Ficlet: Map of Scars

Feb 28, 2011 19:30

Title: Map of Scars
Author: mideltone_one
Word Count: 573
Rating: R
Characters/Pairings: Allan, Robin
Spoilers/Warnings: Slash
Summary: Allan and Robin compare
Disclaimer:The Robin Hood characters written about here belong to Tiger Aspect and the British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No copyright infringement is intended nor is any money being made. I don't own them - if I did I'd be too busy drooling to write! All mistakes are mine.

"What about this one?" the hard skinned finger traced the mark on Robin's chest tentatively, though there was no need; all traces of pain from that injury had long since vanished.
"That," replied the archer, "was a gift from a Turk, during a skirmish in Acre."
"They're very generous, them Turks," said Allan with a grin.
"To a fault" replied Robin with a chuckle, "My turn again. This one." His finger slid smoothly along a line on the thief's ribs.
"Me old man again," murmured Allan, "when 'e got a bit lively after an evening at the tavern. Kept 'im away from Tom though."
"I wish I'd been there to protect you," said Robin, tightening the hug on his companion.
"D'you think as an eight year old, you'd've made much difference?" asked Allan. They fell into an uncomfortable silence for a few moments.

"This one?" asked Allan. Having snaked his hand under the blanket, he had wrapped it around a part of Robin's body that the archer was certain he'd remember if he'd ever been scarred there.
"Any marks down there," he said, turning slightly to face his lover, "would be the work of your teeth."
"I could always kiss 'em better."
"That you could," said Robin, putting the boy's lips to use on his own.
Breaking the kiss, Allan looked across the barn at his clothes. "I suppose we should get out of 'ere and go back to looking for ... Who was it we was looking for?"
Robin paused for a moment. "I think," he said, "it was Michael the tax collector." As Allan started to get up he was pulled back under the blanket. "He'll be long gone by now," said the archer, "Your moans would have scared him off, if he'd been hiding here."
Allan shook his head. "I ain't takin' the blame for that," he said, "that was definitely your fault. And you weren't exactly quiet yourself."
"Oh, Robin, oh Robin, there, just there, oh God yes" panted Robin, in imitation of earlier events.
"I'll keep me mouth shut next time," replied Allan.
"I know something you could put in it, to keep you quiet," chuckled the archer.
"I bet you do," replied Allan with a grin, leaning his head on the slowly rising and falling chest beside him.

They fell asleep, but woke with a start at the sound of voices outside. Allan jumped up and ran over to his clothes, frantically pulling on his breeches. When he looked over, he saw his lover laying relaxedly under the blanket, staring at him.
"What are you doing?" he hissed, just loud enough to be heard, "We need to get out of 'ere. Come on get up, get dressed, before we're caught."
"I was just admiring the view," said Robin calmly.
"You'll be admiring it from the end of a rope if you don't 'urry up," replied Allan, which seemed to spur the archer into action.

When the barn door was swung open, it was friends who greeted them. "We found Michael just down the road," said Much.
"And let him go after he'd lost a few pounds in weight," continued John, holding up a sack of coins.
"What were you two doing in here?" asked Much innocently.
"Comparing maps," replied Allan before Robin could speak, "lookin' for somewhere safe we could escape to, whenever we needed." Only he and Robin knew they had already found sanctuary in one another.

char: robin, cat: ficlet (501-1000 words), char: allan, intercomm2011, rating: r, author: mideltoneone, cat: romance

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