Flash Fic: Taking Care

Feb 27, 2011 22:27

Title: Taking Care
Author: mideltone_one
Word Count: 249
Rating: G
Characters/Pairings: Allan, Much
Spoilers/Warnings: None
Summary: Allan and Much consider their foe
Disclaimer:The Robin Hood characters written about here belong to Tiger Aspect and the British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No copyright infringement is intended nor is any money being made. I don't own them - if I did I'd be too busy drooling to write! All mistakes are mine.

"I keep a count of 'em?" said Allan idly stirred the pot over the fire, watching Much peel parsnips, "try to find out somethin' about 'em, like if they 'ad families and that."
Much looked up, surprised by what his friend had said. "Really?" he replied, "Why do you do that?"
"Eases me conscience, knowin' their loved ones is being looked after."
"Is it not just an excuse to visit grieving widows so you can offer them some comfort?"
"I'm shocked that you would even suggest that," said Allan, partly annoyed that the idea had never occurred to him, not, he told himself, that he would ever take advantage in such a crude manner.

"What about Robin?”, asked Allan.
"Um ... I suppose he must do. He never really talks about it."
"What about when you was out in the 'oly lands?"
"Well that was different. We were in an army, doing the King's bidding, and the Pope's, come to that. Anyway, he must've felt something for them. He read their Bible after all."
"Didn't stop 'im killin' em though, did it?"

They fell into silence for a few moments, before Much spoke again. "Maybe you shouldn't think about them like you do. After all, they are our enemies."
"True," replied Allan, "but if we don't look after 'em, 'ho will? I don't see their boss steppin' up, do you?" Much shook his head in agreement. "I guess it's down to us to make sure we treat castle guards right."

cat: flash fic (101-500 words), rating: g, char: allan, intercomm2011, char: much, author: mideltoneone, cat: drama

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