Port City Mistake

Jan 31, 2010 17:35

Title: Port City Mistake                       
Author: whytewytch4
Word Count:  335
Rating: NC-17

Warnings:  Slash, non-con
Characters: Allan, OMC
Disclaimer: Tiger Aspect and the BBC own the rights to Robin Hood 2006. No copyright infringement is intended. No money is being made.
Summary: Allan wakes up with the man who raped him.
A/N:  I know, I've been writing a lot of slash lately--it's just what's been invading my head.  DO NOT READ if you don't like slash and can't take the hint of rape, please (see the warnings above).

Allan awoke feeling sore and stiff; oddly his ass hurt, and his mouth tasted weird.  He and Tom had been traveling for months; the weather had turned cold, and they had holed up in a port city, staying at a local pub, waiting for the weather to break.  Allan remembered toast after toast being raised last night, and his arm around a rather friendly man who was old enough to have been his father.  He had felt comfortable with the gent as he and Tom got more and more drunk.  He vaguely remembered passing out and being wrestled up the stairs.

Oddly, he remembered kissing and fondling, only he didn’t remember pretty breasts.  His eyes flew open in horror as he remembered why his mouth tasted so weird.  He looked over and there was the gent, sleeping soundly in his bed.  He was shirtless and Allan peeled back the cover, afraid of what he would find.  The man was utterly naked, as was Allan.

Allan nearly fell out of bed, his action waking the man.

“You gonna bugger me this time, lad?  Or do you want me ridin’ you again, eh?” the man yawned.  “You sure were an enthusiastic student last night,” the man spoke as he stroked his rapidly hardening member.

“I don’t know what yer on about, but I don’t do men!”

“Well, then, on your knees and I’ll fill your hole for you again.  Crying out like a woman, you was last night.”  The man rolled over on the bed and patted the mattress beside him.  Allan ran for the door, forgetting his clothes, his hand slipping on the handle.

“That’s a bit oily from where you tried to run out on me last night.  Don’t worry, my men’ll keep us from bein’ disturbed-they’re just outside the door.  We ain’t gotta tie you and gag you again, do we?”

Allan swallowed miserably, swearing he would never drink again if he ever got away from this man.  This time, he meant it.

cat: flash fic (101-500 words), rating: nc-17, intercomm, author: whytewytch4

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