No Appeal

Jan 30, 2010 13:00

Title: No Appeal
Author: omteddy2006
Word Count: 298
Rating: G
Characters: Allan, Robin, Guards
Disclaimer: Robin Hood 2006 belongs to the BBC and Tiger Aspect. No copyright infringement is intended. No money is being made.
Summary: Allan reconsiders a hasty decision. Set in 1x01.
A/N: Written for rh_intercomm, based on the prompt “hand.”

He had always had nice hands. His fingers were long and nimble. He possessed good hand-eye coordination. His hands were strong, agile, and talented even. He had taken up the lute once and enjoyed the way his fingers plucked at the strings very naturally like a born musician. He would have liked to have been a musician, but it was not in the cards for him. Fate had other plans.

His hands were very useful at his current profession. You had to have quick hands as well as a quick mind whether you were picking pockets or working the tavern. Tricks-cards, cups, shells, whatever-were only successful if the hand was quicker than the eye.

Of course, he depended on his hands for other things as well. Feeding himself, grooming, and gripping a sword, if necessary. Then, there were other reasons for needing one’s hands that involved smooth, porcelain-like skin and long, silken tresses.

“No, I’ve changed my mind,” Allan stammered.

The impish guard just grinned and said, “No appeal.”

Why did the punishment have to be a hand? Surely there had to be a body part which he would not miss as dearly!

As the arrows alit between the guard’s fingers, Allan was overjoyed. He did not know who the archer was that was loosing them nor did he care. The exchange that happened next amused Allan even more. Fate had such a sense of humor sometimes.

As his tormentor and his savior debated the pros and cons of the ass that was the law, Allan stepped over the fallen tree while blessing everyone assembled, “Bless you, Sir. God bless you all, gents!”

He quickly scampered out of sight, rubbing his blessed hands together. Oh, God, how he loved his beautiful, strong, talented and intact hands!

cat: flash fic (101-500 words), rating: g, char: robin, author: omteddy2006, char: allan, intercomm, char: guard

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