test run.

Apr 11, 2009 01:59

for plutoix.

NAME: Kelly
AGE: 17
PERSONAL LJ: mohawks
EMAIL ADDRESS: itchymaroo@yahoo.com
AIM SCREENAME: girls wear prada
EXPERIENCE RPing: Around 5 years, give or take one. Most of it over IM but I did stay over at a couple of comms (cityofcross, _catchphrase_, ad_interim, polychromatic) for a while before drifting away into a bit of an RP break.

NAME: Dwight Kurt Schrute. Sometimes he says his middle name is 'Danger'.
AGE: 38
ROLE IN CANON: He's actually a combination of protagonist (in every episode + has his own long story line), antagonist (in his relationship with Jim + anyone at the office really), and sidekick (to Michael).
FANDOM/MEDIUM: The Office / TV show
TIMELINE PERIOD: By the end of episode 'Stress Relief' (from season 5).
ABILITIES: Purple belt in karate, trained in using various midieval/japanese style weapons, extensive knowledge of computers, and is an incredible salesman. Also, he's claimed to have the ability to raise and lower his cholesterol at will.
Dwight comes from a line of beet farmers. He has some relatives that were German Nazis/fought in WWII/Amish. He was a twin, but he absorbed the other fetus while still in the womb, now giving him the power of a grown man and a little baby. Growing up on a beet farm was very different for him as a child; his parents were strict and made him work the fields and they shunned him for two years just because he didn't save tuna oil. At least he was taught how to hunt and learned basic survival skills for later on in life.

He grew up to be the top salesman at Dunder Mifflin (for several times in a row) and the proud owner of a beet farm (which he lives in along with his cousin Mose).

In Dwight's own words, "Three words - hardworking, alpha male, jackhammer. Merciless. Insatiable."

He is quite possible the most hardworking guy you'll ever meet. He 100% loves his job, unlike everyone else that works at Dunder Mifflin. He would do anything to benefit the company and would be perfectly content to knock down someone else if it meant DM would rise up. He's completely loyal to Michael (his boss) and often follows along with his stupid jokes/schemes even if he's against them. Dwight is someone that follows his leaders very well. He would jump in front of a bus to save an authoritative figure in a heartbeat without having any second thoughts.

WORLD: Iiiiiit's Earth. Scranton, Pennsylvania to be exact.
ROLE: Anything to do with the police squad; he's a volunteer sheriff on his spare time and is a stickler for rules/justice/the law. If not civilian is fine. He'll just pretend.

THIRD PERSON: A minimum of three, good paragraphs as if your character was logging in plutoixlogs.
FIRST PERSON: A minimum of three sentences as if your character was writing an entry in plutoix.

NOTES: Anything else you feel the need to add on here!

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