Title: Please Remember To…
Pairing: Ben/Riley
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: *evil smile* Yes I own them!
Summary: A note, from Abby, with love.
A/N: Thanks to those who read.
I never walked in on you two when Ben and I were married. I want to make that clear. You are not the reason we divorced.
You came in after. You were the light at the end of the tunnel for Ben. You gave him that slight glimmer of hope that was lost after I got the coffee tables.
I will forever be indebted to you for pulling Ben out of that slump.
But, back to the matter at hand. No matter how much I care for the two of you, I am sick of walking in on you.
Once was embarrassing, but fine. Twice, also embarrassing, but still acceptable. But honestly boys, this is just getting ridiculous.
Not that I don’t appreciate the way your lithe body looks as you stretch out underneath Ben.
Or the way Ben’s arms look, one on either side of your head, supporting him over that pale chest.
Or the way sweat runs down Ben’s abs, mixing with the light sheen of sweat the covers your torso.
Um, where was I… Oh yes, please remember to lock your doors.