Feb 01, 2007 00:49
Nothing really important has gone on this week. I finally got paid today and I am waiting to see what happens with my car. I am kinda glad that I don't have my car because I don't have to drive, but I am hating that I don't have my car because I can't go grocery shopping without asking someone to take me. But yeah, I think that everything happens for a reason. I had my first test for the second semester today. It wasn't that bad of a test. I was kinda glad that is wasn't though, because even though I studied, I don't think that I studied enough, and I hate taking test. Tests are like the devil in disguise for me. I can't wait til all the test and things are over for me and then I won't have to worry about it. I am also waiting on the room assignments for next year. I hope that we get into Newland because it will be a nice change from Gardner to Newland. Don't get me wrong, Gardner isn't bad, kinda small but not bad. Newland on the other hand is amazing. In Newland you still have to share your room, but you only share your bathroom with 3 other people. It is awesome. But yeah, if we don't get into Newland our second choice is App Heights. It wouldn't be bad to live there because the rooms are really nice, but I just don't want to walk all the way down to my classes when the AppalCart is running slow. The housing things will be out by February 7, so I will know then. Summer school is going to be a pain in the butt. I have to turn in all my papers before the 9th, but I want to wait until I get my housing stuff for next year so I will know where I am living. But I don't know. I think it will all work out in the end.
Yeah, I have to say that the girls department is not going as I would like it. There is this one girl that I would die to go out with, but I know she doesn't like me. She is all depressed because she thinks that she won't find the right person. I told her that she will find someone that will love her and never let her go (not in those exact words, but you get what I am saying). She is a wonderful girl and has a great personality. Every time I talk to her I am smiling from ear to ear, even on the computer. LOL!!! I really want to date her, but I don't think she wants to date me. However the ball lands though. We will see.