Jan 03, 2007 21:36
It is a start to a new year and I am kinda dreading it. I am loving and thankful that I made it to the new year, but I know that I will be having a bad year already. So far this week has gone pretty good. Even though last week my brother totaled my car, I feel this week has been good. Nothing has been seriously bad. I don't have a car, but I don't need it until the winter. The good things about this week. I got my laptop back on Friday, and I get a jeep whenever I get my new car. It won't be bran spanking new, but it will be fairly new. I think it will be about a '00 or '02. I just can't wait to get back up to Boone. I love being there with all my friends and people that I call my family (even though they really aren't). I just needed a break from all of the homework and classes for a while. There is really nothing else that I have to say. I am just glad that I am here to be able to talk to all my friends and family for another year.