On Friendship

Feb 28, 2011 07:27

I hate that in a break up, some friends feel like they have to "pick a side".

I pretty much know in my gut if somebody's got the stuff to be
a long-term friend of mine. I also know when something is amiss.

The problem usually rears its ugly head when people say things like "You're my best friend",
or "You're Family". I find value judgements like that artificial and suspicious. If it has to be said...

Just as an example...For the friends I've had for fifteen years or longer, we just keep it simple. We don't freak out
when we change, and we don't blow up when people enter and leave our lives. We trust each-other
enough to be who we are without having to anchor each-other with labels.

I have always believed that if you let them fly, they will come back to roost.
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