Halo Around Your FingerRating: PG
Fandom: Green Day
Pairing: Billie Joe/Tre Cool
Notes: Fluff! From me! The horror.
Warnings: None
Word Count: 560
Summary: Billie proposes.
One More TouchRating: PG-13
Fandom: Green Day
Pairing: Billie/Tre/Mike, mentions of Billie/Mike
Warnings: Insecurity in a relationship
Word Count: 1,777
Notes: Feels.
Summary: They belong together and he doesn't fit into the picture.
I Gave You AllRating: PG
Fandom: Green Day
Pairing: Billie/Tre
Warnings: None
Notes: I should stop listening to Mumford and Sons while writing. Angst.
Word Count: 1,165
Summary: They'll make it through. They always do.