My Weekend...

Dec 05, 2005 16:14

Well I’ve been to Lexington and back…yesterday Shenna and I followed my Aunt Trina to go to see Rascal Flatts in concert. Shenna was so excited that she couldn’t sleep yesterday and was awake at like 5:30. I felt sick Thursday night and Friday morning, but I started feeling better so I didn’t I would go…because I didn’t know if I would be able to make it. We left around 20 till 2 and got to Winchester around 5 something…after everyone was ready we headed out to get something to eat. We stopped at Arby’s, which by then I was pretty much starving since I hadn’t had anything all day. Then got to Rupp Arena around 6:30 or so. Since we didn’t get to spend much time in there last time we were there, we decided to look around the building. Then once 7:30 rolled around we headed to find out seats. They were pretty good seats, because we were high up and could see everything very well. I thought it was a good concert. I liked Keith Anderson’s performance even though he only got to sing like 4 songs. I really really like Blake Shelton’s, I guess because I knew more of his songs. I mean I knew Keith Anderson’s but I hadn’t listened to them much. Then, once Rascal Flatts came out on the stage, we stood up the majority of the time. Shenna had her “Joe Don will you marry me” sign. I thought it was so funny, plus I’m almost positive that he saw it…because when the lights hit it, he looks up, smiles real big and points….me and Shenna about died…man Joe Don is hottt! After the concert we were exhausted and headed back to Scotty’s. Shenna and I had to get up at 7 the next morning to head back home because we wanted to come back and see the football game.

Saturday we got up and Trina fixed us something to eat and then we hit the road. Shew…I was sooo sleepy, but I had to stay awake, and I think I did alright driving home. Got home around 11, and then I ran into the house to change clothes, then head down to the football field. Chris and Shenna showed up a little later and she had her “We Love Joe Yates 81.” We ended up freezing our butts off even though I had about 4 layers of shirts, two layers of pants and 3 socks on my feet. Sometime in the 3 quarter I decided to find Traci and leave because I couldn’t feel my toes. Chris had already left because him and Heath were gonna go work for a little while to get a few hours in. As I was leaving I saw Joe standing close to the fence and he came over and gave me a hug. I felt bad that we lost, but I’m glad that we made it as far as we did. Got home and decided to take a nice long hot bath…even in the tub my toes were still numb…I couldn’t believe it! But they eventually got some feeling back into them. Whenever Chris got back from work and ate we went down to Clinchco to watch the Kiwanis Tourn. The girls didn’t seem to get into the game…they did better the second half…but Council ended up winning. Then the guys had about a 10 point lead most of the game until the 4th quarter and they got within 4 points of us. Then we turned the ball over with like a few seconds left to go and DJ ended up making a shot, then got fouled and made a foul shot. We ended up losing by one point. It kinda sucked. I guess it wasn’t a good day for Haysi. We had 3 games that day, and we lost all 3.

Sunday hung around the house most of the day and then Chris called around 3 and said that he was putting up the tree and stuff…and wanted to know if I would come over and help. So I went over there and did what I could. At around 6, we headed to my house so I could get ready to head down to the gym because Neil was opening it up. It was so much fun! I like it when its just family down there. Chris was so funny…he’s not a basketball player but we had fun anyway :o) Oh and yesterday also made 4 months for me and Chris…wow!

I guess that’s about it…I should be doing my homework right now, but I’m still putting it off even though its all due tomorrow…great :o( well…until next time!

*I <3 Christopher Allen Yates!!!*
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