Dec 30, 2000 17:29
There's a sign by my apartment building that hangs over the street. It reads "no left turn". For my life I think they would design one that said "no right turns". The hardest route is the one I've never been able to veer off of. I sit in my chair and bend so my face rests on my knees. I smell shampoo. I had to clean my pants with shampoo today because I couldn't afford laundry detergent. My "father" who I haven't spoken to in over 12 years sent me a grocery gift certificate for 20 bucks. I guess I'm supposed to forgive him now for all those years of poverty. I'm too tired to. That dirge was sang a long time ago. I believe it so it's true: you aren't truly free until your parents are dead. Like I'm obligated to you? I never thought I was a fuck up until I saw myself through your eyes. I'm sorry you can't make me happy until I can make you happy. no one fed exed me the script- I'm improvising here. Weren't you supposed to be the director? I never learned of love from you. My love is truly instinctual. when I cry it's not because of lost love. it's because love never stops...