Meme from Selenak

Apr 16, 2011 01:36

1) Comment to this and (if you want) I will give you 3 (fictional) people.
2) Post this meme to your LJ with your answers.
3) Provide pictures/text descriptions and the names of the 3 people.
4) Label whom you would shag, marry and (push off a) cliff.

Rupert Giles

He's tough, intelligent, responsible and loyal. He also comes with the world's best/worst "in laws". His love interests also have a bad history of unpleasant death.

the Ninth Doctor   

He's broody, acerbic and damaged. He's also strong, uncompromising and has near limitless potential.

Ares, God of War  

He's loud, aggressive, impatient and obsessive. His "inlaws" would be even better/worse than Giles'. He's loyal, more well intentioned than people realize and he doesn't underestimate people.
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