1. Reply to this post, and I will pick four of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon squee!!
-hiding johnny
This icon I made awhile back after seeing this pic of John Stewart in someone else's icon (only their's was a tighter shot with no caption). The quote is actually from Xander on Buffy, season 1 I think, and it just seemed appropriate. This is the icon I use when posting something I'm nervous about; slight OT stuff or where I'm against the community's implied position.
-no muffins for you
This icon is by
K.A. Rose, I just stole it (with permission). That's John Stewart & Stephen Colbert, but I have no idea what the quote is from (probably something from the show). I really like the icon but I don't use it very often because as cute as it is it makes me feel like using it in a reply would be mocking & using it in a regular post would be taunting. And yes, I do realize that is thinking too hard.
-tree girl
I made this icon with some avatar program (Yahoo or something, I can't even remember). It's my default icon because it's what I would look like as a cartoon; red hair in a pony, glasses, boring outfit. Also because the background is the same as my journal's background (with the trees). I like that because my name is Teresa... get it - TREE-sa. It's a pun.
-Chase Squee!
This icon I made after seeing
this pic of Jesse Spencer and wishing I knew how to make a mood-theme but deciding that since I didn't that I'd go ahead and make an icon instead. It's pretty obvious when I'd use it - when it's time to SQUEEEEEEE! (Esp. on Chase related topics.)