Jun 19, 2006 01:21
Ok, Sara and I are back from NY.. and I've discovered a few things. I Hate Seneca Falls, NY and I hate Jamestown, NY. Neither places have ANYTHING to do.. and Jamestown apparently like CLOSES during the weekends.. I had to visit 3 different gas stations, of which TWO were closed. umm and who closes everything @ 8PM on Saturdays? wtf? Anyway, I got 30 mpg in my SUV with a V6.. WOW! I know, yall are jealous right. lol Sara and I did like the school, but I don't know if I'll be able to move with her due to lack of jobs out there. And there's no way I can travel an hour and some for work. Not with gas prices 2.90-3.09 out there. We'll work through this, i just pray that doesnt have an effect her decision on where to go to after she graduates college. :-\ Anyway, I need to get my ass in gear. Unless I don't have to work, I dont want to get up in the morning. I find every excuse not to go to work, I havent called off or anything, but I'll leave early if there is adequate coverage and I'll take a vacation day no matter what. i hate not having any help at work. Always having to do a load of the work myself. It's frustrating, stressful, and I just feel so upset when I'm there. It used to be good, then our hours got cut, amber was fired for an assinine reason (she was just following our managers duties... wtf corporate?) I'm not in school for reasons I can and cannot help. Financially, I can't go to school. Academically, I need to go back to school, i know I'm too smart not to. I loved the atmosphere this weekend @ NYCC.. but they were all looking at me like I was the one going to go there.. I'm like.. hellooooo shes got the nametag on, not me. I did request some info from colleges, and I need to talk to advisors to see how my financial aid will work. I hate ohios laws... I LIVE BY MYSELF I pay rent to live in a house, I have my OWN car, everything is MINE.. but still I can't claim independency... its like.. STUPID. unless I emancipate myself or whatnot. I don't know. I just need to get out of this area... we're life fish, ok? Fish grow in bigger tanks. I've outgrown this tank, I think some other people can agree with me, too. Correct? Yes, and No. But that's ok. What can I do? Just keep on trucking. Oh lord, help us all. Ok, I'm out. work 2-930 tomorrow. night :o| -JB