The New & Old Me

Jul 14, 2010 06:48

Dear Die-Ary,

Well, well, well, it has been a long time hasn't it? Yes, yes it has.... A few years at least since I have posted in my LIveJournal. But I guess you get that when you get older, and you get busier and you just forget. Man, I have forgotten so many things from my past, my life that it's not funny. I've even forgotten friends... People always do say 'out of sight, out of mind' and I guess after a while it happens. We forget. Its' human nature to forget I suppose.

Either way, I read quite a few of my original posts (I am now 20, no 15), and they are PRETTY damn depressing! I can't believe just how much I have changed as the years have progressed! I type faster, I'm better looking and more awesome, I have better friends - well a better best friend than Amy (Yes.. Amy, a name you have heard so many times throughout this journal). I have Jess now, and she is the best friend in the entire world - but don't get me wrong, I still have my Fruits of Fiction and the girls that I have known since I was like 12/13 years old - they mean so much to me that its not funny.

Anyways, I can't believe how much about Suicide I droned on - I mean... really? Was I ever going to do it? Well let me see. Yes, I'm pretty sure there were numerous times in my adolescence (spelling..yeah yeah I know) where I was more than quite serious about killing myself. Sometimes I just want to cut, just one cut to remember what it was like.. But I honestly don't think that's the smartes idea out there at all haha.

I am no where near as depressed as I was back then... Actually I grew out of that phase (I hate to say it) of my life but I did. I got older, I got thrust upon with responsibilities, bills, jobs, pressure and well here I am. I am a bubbly 20 year old who loves life! But don't get me wrong, I still have my stupid boy issues - they never go away I suppose, and I still get periods of time where I'm really sad.. But nothing as bad as it used to be, that's for sure.

Anyways, I will try and post later on and tell you what's been going on in my life recently another time..


Trazelle; the one and only =]

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