75 / 150 books. 50% done!
51. Superboy: Trouble in paradise
52. Mark Russell - Fantastic Four: Life Story
53. Avengers Forever vol 1-2
54. Flashpoint Beyond
55. Mats Strandberg - Konferensen
56. Eric Flint - The Coast of Chaos
57. Roger Leloup - Yoko Tsuno: På jakt efter tiden (Yoko Tsuno Intégrale tome 3: A la poursuite du temps)
58. The Best of John Wagner’s Judge Dredd
59. Torsten Ehrenmark - Mannen i sjömanskostym
60. What if? Classic: The Complete Collection vol 4
61. Orvar Säfström/Jimmy Vilhelmsson - Drakar och Demoner: Berättelser från det största äventyret
62. Jean Giraud - Blueberry samlade äventyr 9
63. Alan Moore/Chris Sprouse - Tom Strong Compendium
64. Nic Broca/Raoul Cauvin - Spirou 1980-1983
65. Power Girl: Power Trip
66. Mutant: Hindenburg - Regelbok
67. Stieg Trenter - Tragiskt telegram
68. Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files vol 3
69. Dark Crisis
70. Tales from Dark Crisis
71. Marvel Platinum: The Definitive Morbius, The Living Vampire
72. Alan Moore - Top 10 Compendium
73. Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse by Floyd Gottfredson vol 6: Lost in Land Long Ago
74. Bill Willingham/Brian Level - Batman vs Bigby! A Wolf in Gotham
75. Robert Arthur - Alfred Hitchcock and the Three Investigators in the Mystery of the Whispering Mummy