The Third War

Jul 10, 2011 02:29

The Third War has been raging for days now. First it was Alessia, then it was Jin, now it's Celestus and Constantine. Since I backed them into a corner by capturing both of their leaders they put aside their differences and the two hulks joined forces.
Our strategy thus far has been to hurt Celestus to the point of retreat while holding off Constantine. Since Constantine doesn't feel pain he doesn't retreat until he is dead or unconscious.
I encrypted barriers barring most of the passageways to the Cathedral (Now my Fortress) and we have traps set up with Claymores and grenades with trip wires. Luckily Celestus only has limited intelligence and Constantine is virtually mindless.
It takes them a long time to find ways around the barriers and they explode when they try to break through. A nearly perfect defensive strategy :D
But its too hard to cover all the passageways and they almost always find a way around eventually and have to face us. We've forced them to retreat three nights in a row. Tonight I'm letting Mortimer command the forces and see if they can do it without me again.
My team right now consists of:

Titles are temporary
Mortimer - Second in Command
Lasalle - False Front/Soldier
Vincent - Soldier


I have given Mortimer permission to free Jin and Valen if it comes down to that, but Magnus is to remain in prison and nowhere near his armory. They should be fine, Mortimer fought them off single handedly once. It was lucky but it's possible. I wonder how long this is gonna last. It took most of the night yesterday to get them to back off and by then we were too exhausted to finish them off. Constantine kept covering for Celestus and Celestus used physical barriers to protect himself even further. It was ridiculous. We'll see how things go tonight.
And to make matters worse there are problems with Red and Lorraine. They may die. If that happens I'm not sure how Jin and Valentine will react. I just wish it was all over.
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