It's been forever since I've been able to check out LJ matters ... well, actually only a few weeks, but I'm back now and will hopefully be able to stay for a while.
In writing news - well, there isn't anything major to report. Remember the
ambitious list I posted a few months ago? Hee! Yeah, that one. :) I did manage to write a story,
Uneasy Alliance for the Alphabet Soup, and write a chapter or two for the
het_bigbang challenge this year, but that's about it. Basically, I've not written a whole lot ever since my mother got sick, and nothing at all since she passed away.
But I'm ever the optimist, and have decided that I have the beginnings of next year's Het Big Bang fic already started, and I am going to get back into the Harry Potter mystery (Ginny has come out of hibernation and has been bugging me unmercifully to get it going already!). I'll get back into writing again. I just needed time to heal.
In the meantime, I've decided to go back to school and am currently enrolled in a few college courses. I'm working toward dual degrees in Business and Creative Writing, but it is near impossible to find creative writing class that are held at night (or online). All the ones I am eligible to take are held during the day while I'm supposed to be at work. *grumbles* So, I'm concentrating on the business classes because they are offered both online and in the evenings. I guess I'm going to have to go groveling to my boss to see if I can come in late a few days a week (or wait and see what the schedules look like the following semester).
So for now, I'm taking the business courses. Good thing they're really interesting classes!
Fandom related - my daughter has a subscription to Netflix and has signed into that service on my phone so that I can use it as well. First thing I looked for was Supernatural because I seriously want to get started on watching that show. I haven't started on it yet, but I did started watching Charmed and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I'm not much for watching TV, so it's not a surprise that I rarely take the time to watch Netflix, but I'm hoping that may change soon. I just need to stop long enough to enjoy it.
Besides, my daughter tells me that Netflix may not have Supernatural forever, so I need to watch it while I can.
I am also still listening to audiobooks and have found some great ones, as well as some real duds. I've currently started listening to the Dresden Files books, which are pretty decent. I wasn't so sure about continuing this series based on the first book, but I went ahead and got the second one and now think I am pretty hooked on them. :) James Marsters (Spike of Buffy the Vampire Series) narrates these books and he does a pretty good job of it ... well, expect for the heavy sighs throughout. I realize he's "acting" in the role of Harry Dresden, but he could tone it down some, you know? lol Anyway, he does a great job and I guess Audible is going to be happy they suckered me into another series!
And while on the subject of books, I also bought the Frontier Magic series after reading the first book of the series. OMG that was a great series, and I've listened to all three books twice so far, and will probably do it again. :) It's being billed as Harry Potter meets Little House on the Prairie (based on the premise and not the characters), which is why I bought it, and I'm glad I did!! Love the alternate universe of everyone in the world being born with magic powers, and the fact that it's based in the American West circa 1860, leads lots to the imagination. It really is a great read!
Anyway, despite school and work and family, my life has calmed down quite a bit. That's the good news! :)
Hope things are going well with you all!!!