In honor of my mom's birthday, I'm giving her the surprise present (surprise!) of honoring her request for pictures of me in Europe. I didn't take any of these. Thank you to my unnamed sources.
we decided to walk past a paris métro sign
you can't see it, but i'm on the phone in a paris métro train. not long after this, i didn't see my phone anymore either.
they imported turkeys for thanksgiving!
this is me having a wasabi eating contest in a sushi bar. the wasabi won.
this is what i look like when i'm in my kitchen.
french cuisine is not the best in the world for lack of effort!
this is an apartment in paris that any rich student can afford.
i tried to organize a brady bunch picture at the Centre George Pompidou on Nuit Blanche, where the entire city was open all night long and featured lots of unsettling modern art.
centre george pompidou again. the benches were thought-provokingly made of rugs, so it probably would have been acceptable to wear shoes while on them.
i went outside
this is place de la concorde. cut out of the picture is a huge ancient egyptian obelisk that is quickly deteriorating in parisan climes. similarly, several trillion people deteriorated on this square during the french revolution. the size of the square was to accommodate the crowds.
probably somewhere in the louvre
this is the seine.
this is what the eiffel tower looks like.
prague-ians built this very complicated contraption like 500 years ago to calculate what time zone they were in. to this day, technology hasn't yet found a way for me to remember which one it is.
it looks like i'm resting after stepping on something painful, but i'm actually contemplating the prague-ian skyline.
this is an amsterdam coffee shop we stopped in. it was amply ornamented and smelled richly of brownies.
this is an amsterdam canal at night. i exaggerate not when i tell you that amsterdam is the most beautiful place in the world, the entire city looking just like this.
ok, not all of amsterdam looked like that.
this is me saving money on food in the locker room of an amsterdam hostel
this is me not saving money on food in amsterdam. (actually, it was amazing foccacia exactly the size of my stomach for like a dollar.)
i had a bike in amsterdam. they give them out like hawaiian leis at the train station.
super-efficient scandinavian/copenhagen dorm chairs and table. the rest of the city looks pretty much the same. i think we were flashing each other gang symbols here. good thing we were in the same gang. whew.