Jan 31, 2006 22:19
wow! so believe it or not, i think your good vibes helped! in a matter of hours i've completely had a change of heart. so i was just freaking out because i've been sucking really bad in UTSA Chorus, i've been working really hard to keep up to date in all my classes but i continuously feel swamped by everything.
on my way home from school i realized how much of a moron i would be to pursue a career in the arts. bad, bad choice. that only made me freak ever MORE though, because what the hell else is there to do??? for me, anyway.
well, i go to work thinking "what the hell am i going to do with my life?" when mimi, my 50 year old asian soulmate, says "twavis, come hea. some ladies wanna sing song for you." yeah. what???? i was so confused and it was so odd that i'm sitting here thinking about music and now this whole table of ladies want to sing a song for me?
so i walk over and it's 20 or so old women, and one lady picks up one of those pitch pipes and blows on it. i'm thinking "jesus, this is going to be bad and ridiculous". how wrong i was. they were actually amazing! three or four different parts, all of them right on pitch, lively as could be. the whole restaurant stopped and listened! i really wanted to call someone or record them or take a picture or SOMETHING because it was such an impressive, remarkable moment. i dont know, probably not as cool over livejournal, but i could do nothing but smile as i watched these women so happy just to be singing.
SO. i'm taking it as a sign. if that's not a sign i dont know what is. i'm sticking with music. even if i amount to nothing and don't make a dime, i've only got one life to live and i'm going to spend it doing something i love doing.
peace, love, and chita
oh yeah, and jake got nominated for an oscar. all's well.