Sep 30, 2005 15:52
After lunch today I stopped by Ace Hardware because I needed a duplicate of my mailbox key. There was a guy in line ahead of me getting several keys made. When the key cutter handed him the keys, the guy said, "These are guaranteed to work, right?"
I thought it was an appropriate question and the guys asked it without being rude. But the key cutter was pissed off. "Yeah!" he snapped. "Of course they'll work!"
The guy walked to the front of the store to pay and the key cutter kept going on to his coworkers. "Guaranteed? Did you hear that! Can you believe he said that?"
He cut my key quickly and professionally. When he was done, he slapped it down on the counter and announced, "Guaranteed to work!"
When I got up to pay, the guy was still there. He had to have heard the key cutter. It's a small store. I felt bad for the guy since, unless I missed something, he wasn't at all rude to the key cutter. But at the same time I found the key cutter pretty funny.
And kind of cute.
customer service