Jan 15, 2011 14:02

Weekly Windstone Update!

I've got an influence map that I did more as a reminder type thing for myself (Plan to print it, stick it in a frame, and look at it when I can't remember why I draw or what I want to draw), and a load of goofy thought-of-the-moment type doodles that popped up during the first two days of class. (I have a huge break between some of my classes, and can't really leave during that time, so if there's no homework, then DOODLES HAPPEN. Because I feel weird playing flash games in public.)


I still haven't found the Twitter icon I feel happy with. Considering just reverting back to the Yoshi icon I used to use, or just commissioning one. Once I find one I really like, I don't really plan on changing it for the remainder of the year, so it has to be spot-on. This one's of K, a fan-character who takes after the Inhuman/Sabrous universes. While I really like the icon and how the transparency effect for it turned out, I don't want my identity on Twitter to be tied too much to those properties which I do not make, so I don't intend to keep this one as my active icon after I find another one I like a lot.

INFLUENCE MAP. As I already mentioned, I made this thing so I could print it out and keep a reminder of why and what I draw for IN MY FACE. There's also a lot of works I would have had on here if the guidelines allowed me a bunch more slots, but I really wanted to stick to the really big ones that I'd probably lose a bit of who I am if I lost the memories of the works/characters/artists. Links to a bunch of others can be found on my dA or FA, which I will not link here. It'll be in the scraps section of those galleries.

I find it hilarious that while I'm not a huge Pokemon fan at all, if I boil down the reason I draw right now, it all boils down to that one critter, the Pikachu. And by extension, Raichu and Pichu. Moreso than all those other anime I liked before I really got into drawing for fun. But so many OTHER things I liked have ties to it. It's kind of a big deal.

Also, robot girls are awesome.

Starbomber109 suggested I draw someone named Blitz and he would too. Lately. I've been wanting to make a moderately muscley Bovine-based character anyway, and lately I've really taken towards the character Snow from FFXIII, so I figured I'll make someone named Hail and another named SPLODY (which came from a joke status on IM) and add Blitz to their names. I noted the thoughts onto a nearby index card, and a few hours later I doodled on it. This is the result.

I do not yet have a robot girl in a red dress. FAILURE. But if I did, and they had a vaguely robot type pet/friend/ally/satellite type thing, this would be that. I doodled it in the corner of a page during a pause from a college course lecture with a 0.5mm Pentel P205 mechanical pencil I picked up when I got my textbook. I love these Pentel mechanical drafting pencils, and I've yet to have one break on me. More often than not, they go missing when someone borrows it from me long before it ever breaks or I run out of lead to feed it. Anyway, i just wanted to enjoy my pencil after getting it, so this happened. There's also a tiny bit of ink thrown on the edges of some stuff, but it's mostly pencil.


Not totally sure what this is, but I like it. Looks kinda like the body of a Dragonette. It was somewhere in my notes from class.

Someday, I will figure out what to do with the idea of Quadruped Active Ride Transport Systems. I will.

That's some awful speech-text-style right there. I guess that means their voice is kinda shrill and a bit broken/scattered? Anyway, I figure they're either saying I DEMAND SISTERS, I DEMAND EDSEPSPLOSIONS, I A EMAN IDUAION, HERE'S MY SUNDAY VEST, or I ENDS SYSTEMS.

I drew this on the front of one of my notebooks more than a week ago. I just didn't like it, and I don't remember ever scanning it. It's Luna with a balloon. Pretty much what you'ld expect out of her, right?

I fiddled around a bit with JS Bunnies so now there can be more than one Bunn. Also, they do the occasional super-hop they used to do in the version of the Bunnies I made before with GameMaker a few months ago. Or was that a year ago? I can't remember anymore. What I want to do next is allow naming them and feeding them.

Both these doodles and the JS update happened in a break between classes when I didn't have any textbooks to work on my homework assignments for my first two classes. I'd like to have a drop down menu from the top with the items there, or a sidebar with the items there. I'm not sure.

On another note, something about the + on the add Bunn icon looks awful to me. I'll try to fix it up sometime.

Most of the RPGs I like are the Tactical-RPGs with a lot of stats, and a bit less focus on the story. (Disgaea, Soul Nomad, SRW:OG, Battle for Wesnoth) I was wondering what would happen if I took that to the extreme and had a TON of numbers to take care of in such a game? I don't think I'm going to put the time in to make such a game. (If I do, it'll end up being a endless-attack mode for it with randomly generated enemies rather than a story with a plot and all. It's easier to put together.) So I brainstormed a bunch of silly stats and threw them down on the page to come back to later if I decide to make something of it sometime.

Thanks to the recent Extra Credits, now I'm considering the idea of adding social-skill stats as a separate category as well. Have the ability to recruit allies, and make it so that allies that fall in battle can be healed, but enemies recruited by the other side are permanently lost unless you re-recruit them. Or something. I WANT SECRET AGENT SPY VIXEN AI DATA ENTITIES.

This was drawn on the corner of a page of notes. I liked it so I kept it. But it looks a little too KTAN like for me to feel too comfortable with it, but it lacks some of her specific details for me to make me think it's supposed to be KTAN. I'm not sure what to make of the doodle.

To be frank, I don't know what half of this stuff on this page is, but it looks a bit cooler digitized than it did in the sketchbook. Not sure how that even works. Tempted to just slap some colors on this thing just to see how it looks.

(Just wanted to point out a second time that I did do a small update to the JSBunnies experiment.)

First two days of classes. Overall, I'm impressed with the college I've transferred to so far. It's a little pricier with the tuition, but their login systems and overall technology systems seem better set up- there's actually Wi-Fi in almost all the buildings for example. I'm really thrilled about that- and their CS program seems to really understand what I wanted out of the experience a lot better than the approach my last place took. That said, I really miss the other campus too, but so it goes. I think that bit of a break without any classes gave me more confidence in managing my schedule with deadlines to make ends meet. But I've still got a recent self-restraint issue coming on with playing these long games. Simple solution, though. If I can't turn the game off at a planned time, just don't start playing until I've wiped the other tasks off my plate. EDIT: Removed most of the thumbnails so that it'd look better on the friends page.

1010.50, pet, sketch, pokemon, bunny, inspiration, art, doodle, robot, bunnies, robots, virtual, windstone, javascript, classes, meme, half, class, digital, influence, pikachu

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