Jun 26, 2008 21:33
I've modified my weight training program. I now lift as follows:
Monday: Chest or Back
Tuesday: Back or Chest (whichever I didn't do Monday)
Wednesday: Legs
Thursday: Shoulders
Friday: Arms (biceps, triceps and forearms)
Cardio 3x a week, abs 2x a week, basically wherever I can fit 'em in.
I think this particular split is good because it gives me more rest time than the one I used before: I find my muscles need a lot of recovery time, particularly the big ones like pecs, lats and quads. Also from week to week I like to vary which exercises I use, though there are some that are constant, mainly because they're compound exercises that are very beneficial. For example:
-bench press and variations. I do a regular flat bench first on chest day, then I go to a 45 degree incline for some more sets; probably should incorporate decline work too. Also, on arms day I do a close-grip bench press to work my triceps.
-pull ups and chin ups. Really make me feel the burn in my back; and frankly I'm just pumped that I can do 'em, because I remember in grade school we'd have fitness tests every year and I couldn't lift myself more than a couple inches.
-squats. Hurt like hell if done with proper form and motivation, but as Coach DeBoer used to say at track practice, "Pain is weakness leaving the body."
-deadlifts. Since I incorporated these into my routine my lower back has become a lot stronger and I have back pain a lot less often than I used to. Like squats, a real pain to do, but worth it. I mix it up between stiff-leg and Romanian deadlifts to keep it interesting.
Gym rat alert!!