airing dirty laundry

Apr 18, 2006 15:03

An open letter to Dave Sorek

Sir, you are a creature without regard for the sanctity of other people's relationships, but this is certainly not news. It had already been well established that you have no qualms whatsoever with snatching people in moments of weakness, as "I'll take what I can get" seems to be your motto. You clearly have no guilt in you about being the guy girls "cheat with," and once again your MO of preying relentlessly on Angie has succeeded, as you knew it would; you have driven us apart. In the bid for her attentions, I was unwilling to bid any lower than genuine affection and honest desire in a proper state of mind; I wanted her to want me during "moments of strength." I was not willing to settle for guilting or pressuring someone to sleep with me; I was not willing to needle my way into a girl's pants when I was unable to find a place in her heart, so to speak. You obviously were. Call it lower standards, or maybe it's just a different set of values (certainly at the least it's that), but whatever the case, you have done as you set out to do, sir, and I have, much to my chagrin, washed my hands of the whole affair.

But I wanted to say this. I think your tactics are despicable and your motives nothing short of pathetic. Not for the first time (in fact for at least the third) you stepped in and with stubborn willful design have broken Angie out of a relationship through manipulation and coercion.

Certainly a case could be made that I should have known better. And while that case may hold some ground, it has little or no bearing on this one.

The thing is, I feel sorry for you more than I am hurt or angry by what happened, but don't misunderstand me. The collective actions of you and she have hurt quite a lot, and I am more than a little angry about the whole ordeal. It has in fact tainted if not ruined even my recollections of the last half-year spent with her. As I said to her earlier today, thanks to your triumphant coup d'état I don't even get to miss her. In short, you have won, if you call that a victory.

End of letter,
Travis Ezell.

rant, melodrama, fuck, catharsis

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