
Aug 15, 2010 01:29

A brief update.

Vacation: The vacation remains ill-timed but not bad. Today was just spent hanging out everyone together in my second-cousin (Tanja)'s house, which actually afforded me the first chance to get to know all these cousins, sons-of-second-cousins, and... um, let me see here... three kids whose mother's mother's mother's father was, I think, my father's mother's mother's father. Anyway they were very sweet (a little sheltered) people, and I played Twister (!!) with them, in addition to about six other games, and it was benign: good, harmless fun. The other night we saw "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat" as put on by the Fort Peck, Montana, Summer Theater, which I think I summed up perfectly here. Tomorrow morning, breakfast as one big group, and then we begin the drive back. Debate over which route to take (the eighteen hour route, the nineteen route, or another even longer one), but I'm told I'll be back long before 8:00 Tuesday evening, which is the latest I told them I'd like to return. Oh, also, this Mitchell Family Reunion turns out to have exactly zero Mitchells at it. It's primarily the Ezell-Hansen Reunion, with one offshoot branch (the distant hard-to-resolve family mentioned above), whose name is Italian but I forget. Some Mitchells were invited. They never showed. And so it goes!

RACC: I have been up every night of this vacation, sitting in this hotel room in a seemingly misplaced dining room chair, hunched over a little wooden vanity dresser my laptop sits on, working on the grant application. Without a printer figuring out and organizing my budget has been a real trick, but I think I've got things under control. I even got Sarah and Miranda's feedback on a draft of it, and Sarah kicked my fucking ass (thanks!). So last night I revised the whole thing. It's hardly perfect, but I feel it's probably passable. I think I've done a pretty good job with it, actually, despite my many distractions. (Some of my best work has been done with an unreasonable deadline, or while suffering through dental or tongue-related surgeries, or even terrible asspain; inconvenience and asceticism seems to help me out. Maybe I should try like Nietzsche and write everything with my feet in a bucket of ice water.) I'll wait a day or two to submit, hoping to get home and print a copy and check it out in my hands before hitting SEND, but it may be that I've completed the online portion and am ready to call it good, start collecting verification letters proving my in-kind donators and other such busywork. Out of the headache and into the headache. But it's a big leap forward for the grant, and I feel 95% good about where it's at. I think.

Untitled #8 Project: Brie and I are totally cowriting! It's exciting. I just locked down my main cast (!!!), plus a camera and DP. Lighting and sound gear, gaffer and recordist, maybe a PA, and a specialist who can get me cop lights and cop uniforms (I have a lead on a guy) are the next steps. Jeff Mills will return, always fucking exciting! And two friends -- one I haven't worked with in years and the other I've yet to work with professionally -- are filling out the main roles. No script so far, but like I said, Brie and I are totally cowriting it! I'm really excited. It's going to be a bigger deal than my previous fast-and-loose films have been, but hopefully still fast and loose. You just wait. And then next year, The World of Missing Persons. Yes. Yes!

Either Livejournal or my Wifi is freaking out, so I'll stop here. I was pretty much done anyway.

Good night and love, from Central Nowhere, Montana.

stress, racc, the world of missing persons, writingland, #8, twitter, family

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