updates fom the same fronts

Jul 30, 2010 20:14

I submitted my Intent-To-Apply for RACC. That means I have to throw together a short script, outline, budget and publicity material for The World of Missing Persons, not to mention write several up-tempo go-get-'em paragraphs about the project, in the next two weeks. That is to say, I've announced my intent to apply, and now I must apply.

And I mailed in my submission for Open to the NWFVF, spending $2.68 I could have saved by hand-delivering it downtown. I just didn't want to bother with it. Now it's done. Meantime, I have to get with Pat and see what we've got for Bathwater, before Monday, or else it'll miss its chance, which would be unfortunate. Based simply on length and gimmickiness, Bathwater's chances seem higher. In fact, considering how drastically different each is I wonder which will get chosen. Should say a lot about what they get too much of (*cough!* slow sad dramas) versus what there's not a lot of us (*ahem!* split-screen videos with girls in bathtubs). Miranda's theory is, by mentioning the "exhibitionist neighbor" in the synopsis, I kick up my chances. I guess people would be more likely to sit through ten minutes of beautiful photography and no action if they know a naked lady is coming before the end. Either way, Open is out the door and in their box, Bathwater is not yet.

In other news, tonight is Jon and Jess's going away party, as two of my closest friends, favorite human beings, and most respected/revered film collaborators in the city follow the way of Russ, Debi, Jeff and Brie. Good for them, terrible for me. The void widens!

In other other news, tomorrow afternoon Dutch and Hannah visit. So it'll be a good but all-too-fast weekend. I've got to find some time to spend with Victor and the feature script, stat.

the world of missing persons, go me, open, writingland, bathwater, event, racc, inane

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