where have i been? where am i going?

Oct 04, 2009 04:16

It's been too busy to update. I haven't been writing. Devotion continues. We shoot the big climax scene tomorrow night, late into the night, and after that we'll be one forking-in-a-café scene from wrapping the whole thing, I think. I won't lie to you: it's been a little taxing emotionally and physically, and more than once I've felt pushed toward or past my personal limits (which I consider generous limits), but I do miss production, so it's been a lot of fun as well. Still, I won't complain when my weekends become mine again.

Spacecat is settling in -- as popular as ever with the humans, as controversial as ever with the other cats. She still sneezes all the time, and she's kind of on the skinny side, so I think I might be the worrisome new parent and take her in to get a looking-at... if I can find the time. I also need to find her some fatty wet food she'll eat, because fall is upon us and she's a growing girl. She needs to bulk up a bit.

Poor sneezy girl, though. Too Much (Cat) Information: I am constantly wiping the splatter of cat sneezes off my desk and keyboard. Even if the tiny sneezes are adorable, it's a damn nuisance.

Still no official word about Every Room is Empty (I'll find out October 15th), but I was emailed and asked for stills from the film, which seems like a good if not-definitive sign. Rex at Laika did me a favor and properly tracked my title shot for me, then I mastered it out to a Digibeta, so it's ready to drop off if they say yes. If not, well, I've got myself a Digibeta master. Can't hurt.

Next: time to call in a favor if I can for Open, and if no favor then time to cold-call Downstream again and get this shit rolling. God, it's fucking October. How did that happen?

Speaking of that: in like, just under two weeks, Briana and Jeff will be gone, and Martha will move in. That'll be a crazy change, which will precipitate (eventually) Ikeaing our living room into an actual living space more than one couple can use and maybe even you can enjoy or feel comfortable in, something I'm really looking forward to. I've fixed my room; I've fixed the kitchen; I can't wait to have a living room I can use. Maybe movie nights will happen. Maybe I will have a reason to go Blu-Ray. I keep considering it, limiting my purchases to really special films worth seeing in that quality. Who knows.

Plus, fresh blood in the house. Crazy, right?

I still can't even get my head around it yet. Losing Jeff is going to be a big blow for me, but I knew a good thing wasn't going to last forever. He's been "my actor" for three years, not to mention the muse for like, half a dozen unrealized projects or vague ideas that never got off the ground. He's also become a valuable Writing Grouper and the best person I know to throw my story ideas at to see what sticks. On top of everything, while he's evolved as an actor he's also started writing his own script, one I believe has built-in potential... the kind of story idea that "has legs," or "writes itself," the kind of story idea you wish you'd thought of first. I can only hope he follows through and writes a draft.

On a more personal and definitely none-of-my-business note, I really hope this move proves positive for him... I worry. I feel like he's throwing a lot in here, betting on his own ability to stay motivated when not surrounded by friends and peers who share that ambition and motivation, and while I know he has it in him, I know it won't be easy to step up in that position. It's a big commitment, and it's the Big Gamble of Acting in Hollywood. I know Jeff can do it, if he survives the transition and keeps his forward momentum after the enormous lifestyle change of moving to southern California and The Girlfriend's Family.

Mr. Mills, sir: don't let us all down, okay? Especially not me. If you're taking away my Jeff, you owe it to me personally to make that loss worth something bigger. Great. Glad we had this talk. We all know you have it in you.

All right, I'm rambling. I gotta get some sleep. Tomorrow is going to be long. Then, time to get my fuckin groove back on my script. Really frustratingly, these last two weeks haven't afforded me any energy or time to write, and I'm afraid of losing steam.

Okay. Anyway. Good night, livejournal.

bitch and moan, every room is empty, foto, cat, open, writingland, spacecat, martha early, iphoned, 1844, inane, jeff mills

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