I really, really need to figure out a gameplan for Open. I think I need to get with someone who will tear it apart for me, maybe ask an editor-who-is-not-me if they'd be interested in helping out or consulting, and barring all of that, just looking at an outside-the-box solution. It's not that it's a disaster, but there isn't really any "moment" in the story, any kicker, and a short needs that. It's a story where nothing happens, and it takes 10 minutes to happen, and it's sparse and depressing, and apart from some good performances and some nice photography, that's it. Leif wants to go into Downstream really soon with his short Earth (his RACC '09 project) and we've talked about simplifying things since we both want to use Laika resources, and going together. This ought to light a real fire under my ass, but so far all it's done is stress me out.
But I've been nose-to-the-grindstone on the very difficult outline for One Day in the Future. This is going to be an interesting project, more an anthology of shorts than a character-driven feature film, but it will still be really helpful for me to work on, and easy enough for me to bring each (roughly) ten-page chunk to Writing Group separately, which will give me incentive to work... is the plan. Still, right now I'm struggling to outline the bitch, figure out the big-picture elements.
Tonight we're celebrating Christina's 22nd birthday party in a way close to my heart:
Tomorrow I return to normal schedule at work, which means I can hopefully return after over a month to something like "my normal schedule," and that should make room for eating better and returning the gym late nights every other night or so.
Looking more and more like Martha's going to move in mid (?) October, unless another major rug-pulling (out-from-under-my-feet style) happens between now and then. I keep forgetting to ask those guys what they're real move-out date is so plans can be made. Maybe I'll remember tonight. Since I'm blogging about it.
Been watching a lot of movies about the End of All Life On Earth lately, though of the four, only two end with the Earth being destroyed and only one ends with humanity's extinction. I guess it's just not a popular subject! Who knew?
Okay, back to the Astronaut Love Story portion of this for a little while longer.