25 Random Things Blah Blah Blah

Jan 30, 2009 02:24

Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

1. I prefer cinnamon to chocolate or vanilla every time, and do not understand why it's not always a third option.

2. I have a strange but real aversion to anyone else being named Travis, especially if they are a peer of mine (coworker, classmate, friend's friend). It just bothers me and I instantly dislike and resent them.

3. On the subject of names, I don't like nicknames derivative of the name "Travis" ever, under any circumstance. "Trav," "T-Dog," anything. You may think you're clever or charming or cute, especially if you know it bothers me, but you are not. You are bothering me.

4. I will do almost anything to avoid real work, including online questionnaires and personality tests, or silly memes like this one.

5. I don't like comedies, as a genre, and I will spend the rest of the night ranting to you about why if you ask. I love a funny movie, but I hate anything that calls itself a comedy. I want the humor to be subordinate to a good story and good characters; I cannot abide the plot or characters being subordinate to a good gag.

6. I am a stubborn ass and a hypocrite, because all of my principles (including the above hatred of comedies) only apply if I form an opinion AFTER making the principle. For example, all 80s comedies I grew up on, exempt from hatred. Any 80s comedies I failed to see as a child, I instantly dislike.

7. I am (more or less) still in contact, and in almost every case friends, with every ex-girlfriend I've ever had.

8. I cannot fall asleep in a silent room. My own brain works against me.

9. I am a slow reader.

10. I cannot whistle.

11. I cannot swim. Further, I have a phobic reaction to being in water deeper than I am tall when I cannot "touch the sides" (as in a pool). I'm not entirely sure how this developed, but it does not matter: I do not want you to show me how to swim or to prove water is safe and fun. I cannot swim, and I'm okay with that.

12. I cannot drive a stick. It's never come up.

13. I am very good at learning foreign vocabulary and not very good at foreign grammar.

14. I think more about writing than anything else. Second place: lost loves.

15. I do not believe in God of any sort. I am a staunch atheist, and I've never understood how people with faith can have a serious sense of morality that comes from some kind of dogmatic invisible higher source.

16. Depending on the context, I am always too much of a giver and not enough a taker, or vice versa. Never a good, healthy mix.

17. One of the achievements I'm most proud of right now is being the founder of a weekly Writing Group.

18. I cannot tell you why, but my favorite color is orange.

19. Not that it's some secret, but I am more emo than I like to admit, but I was that way long before the term "emo" existed.

20. I am pretty lousy at parties, bad in large groups, and terrible around strangers. The only exception: when I am in a creative/productive role, rather than a social one.

21. 90% of the time I'm a cavedweller and a recluse. 75% of the time I don't mind it one bit.

22. I drink between half a gallon and a full gallon of iced tea daily. I am always seen carrying a Venti Starbucks cup around, but I buy about one tea every week or two. The rest of the time, it's filled from tea I've made at home or at work. Still, I take it everywhere with me, and probably have a reputation.

23. Bourbon is my alcohol of choice (and alcohol my drug of choice). I hover between Jack and Maker's for a favorite, but I enjoy all kinds. Bourbon and soda is my drink. I only drink beer if that's not an option.

24. I am the most compulsive collector of media out of anyone I know. Books, movies, music, used to be comics. You name it.

25. The last one is a secret.

crossposted from Facebook notes on 3/14, 3:27pm.

writingland, test, comedy is crap, list, sleep, ego, atheism, facebook note

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