Mar 01, 2009 09:24
Dream Number 1:
Last night you were in my dream. We were back together and serious, which was odd enough, but also you'd had a daughter with your current (non-dream) man, and since I was staying with you (as your new/old boyfriend) I was taking care of her. You never wore pants in my dream. You wore these snug pale pink cotton panties the entire time, not unlike what I vaguely recall seeing you in before, and also not unlike what some of the runway models wore at last night's Fashion Show Fundraiser (maybe more on that later... that really happened). There were times I remember you took everything off and got into bed with me, otherwise it was always the undies I distinctly remember. But although there was a clear casually-pre-sexual note to all of this, the primary "tone" of the dream was one of a more pure kind of affection or closeness, like two people admitting to needing someone and finding the other person comfortably right there (which, if I were being honest, isn't that what you and I were in the first place?).
Your daughter was adorable and smart. She showed me her books and told me about how Pixar's new movie had to make back double what they had spent to make it or Pixar would go under. And she knew her colors and (no kidding) was teaching the cat how to draw faces with purple crayons. She was four. I took care of her a lot, hugged her and told her how good she was doing, because you were dealing with stuff.
Like your obsession over losing your man. I don't know what backstory my dream had invented, but he was gone and it had had something to do with Star Wars Episode II. Yeah, no kidding. Could be he left during it. I think I didn't know and I didn't ask. You made me enact a ritual with you: every Tuesday we had to watch the movie up until some point (I don't remember, it involved C-3PO) and then stop it and you and I had to memorize some scene or line or number or something. Anyway it was all a mourning ritual for your lost (maybe dead? but if so he'd left you first) man, and I felt very awkward about the whole thing, since you and I were now back together and I wanted you to move on.
I met your grandparents. I chased you around your beautiful enormous house, out the back door and in the bedroom sliding doors, while you were stripping naked and you thought I was standing still in the kitchen listening to you talk, but then you discovered I was behind you, which confused you. (That was, despite the stripping, the same time I met your grandparents... it occurred to me as odd even in the dream that you were getting naked and your grandparents were there.) I tried to be there for you and your girl without pressuring you too much to let go of the past, but it was all I wanted -- you to let go. If I were in a relationship right now, outside the dream world, the dynamic would maybe be reversed?
I assure you, this is not related to the drunk post. The drunk post was about one (sort of two) girls, and this isn't "to" either of them.
george lucas