...and i feel fine

Feb 25, 2009 11:29

I don't have time for the details of this one, which is a shame.

It was the end of the world, and a band of human survivors was constantly on the move, picking up more of us as we went, always running, running. I don't remember what we were running from. I was their Jack Shephard (that is to say, reluctant leader; not their "stubborn asshole") and in fact, although we were somewhere like the English countryside or maybe the farmland between Salem and Corvallis, it was all very Lost-like.

There was a young black woman who was helping me lead this new tribe, she was like my muscle support, the strong one. Something like Viola Davis in Solaris mixed with Angela Bassett from Strange Days, and we were in love. Despite her tough, cynical, mean exterior, she was all softness and love when it was just the two of us, and she kept trying to find time for just the two of us. I remember her checking on me and saying, "I'm going to tell them to hang tight for a bit, and then I'm going to come back and make love to you."

But I wouldn't have it, not because I didn't love her back, but because I didn't think the rest of the survivors were safe without a leader. I told her she had to make sure they knew they could come knock, at least, if something were going wrong out there. (It was never very clear but I think we were on the run from something... maybe this was the Zombie Apocalypse after all.)

We found some little abandoned podunk town, just a couple of shops, farmhouses, and a gas station. There was plenty of gas and they found a single old Toyota hatchback that worked, and although the plan was to stay only a night, we ended up settling in and began adapting a life there. Our "capitol building," where Viola/Angela and I were, was on a hill overlooking the whole community, and I would look out our window and give orders to Jeff (Mills), who I was trying to train to be a sort of lieutenant. I showed him the "city" from our view and pointed out the weak spots and insisted he find his best guys and always, always have at least two guards per gathering of people, working in shifts as watchmen. There were only a couple of buildings and the people were staying bunched together in them, so the idea was, if something hit and we got separated, each group would have a couple of watchmen to warn them and eventually, worst case scenario, become leaders if we were broken up by the Impending Threat.

I made all these elaborate plans for "my people" like this, and Viola/Angela moved through the "city" enforcing these laws (not like some dictatorship, just like a right hand [wo]man is supposed to, like an XO or an AD or an ass't manager), and the only thing either of us were really thinking was, when can we be alone together?

Despite all my planning and thinking, all I wanted was to be with her. And despite all her harshness and cynical toughness, all she wanted was to be with me. But we never seemed to make it work out. (It does sound familiar, all that.)

Meanwhile, Zombie Apocalypse and the rebirth of human civilization.

There was more, definitely surreal/magical Losty things happening around us, but I forget them and I have to leave RIGHT NOW for work, so: bye.

dream, work, steven soderbergh, lost, the end of the world, zombie apocalypse, oblique, kathryn bigelow

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