surely something

Sep 23, 2008 21:55


Today I woke to a text message from Melissa, don't need you today. Should have written. Honestly, I couldn't tell you how I spent the entire day. I know I read a couple of Ted Chiang stories, and I walked downtown and back just to get out of the house. I watched the Battestar Galactica movie, Razor, which leaves me nothing in that series (well, a couple of webisodes Jeff put on the Xbox I may check out sometime) until Season 4 comes out on DVD, unless I go tracking down those episodes that've already aired. Dutch recommends getting into Season 4 of Lost, which I said I would, supplanting my heroin addiction with pure methodone.

The photos under the cut (that aren't of clay statues) are from Amy's shoot, and were all taken with the damn iphone. I keep forgetting to have my real camera with me. Maybe forking out $25 I don't have to keep my "pro" account open on Flickr will motivate me to at least earn it by filling the internet with more crap amateur photography. We'll see!

Anyway, Picture (Amy's film) wrapped on Sunday. I felt like it went well, and I hope Amy agrees? I'm really curious to see how it all comes together. Kind of reminded me of the Fantôme shoot with Alan, as we were shooting digital (HD this time, but still), it was about supernaturally appearing girls, and we were undercrewed and had a lot of fun making it work.

I'm going to try and whip up a shotlist by the end of the week. I'm going to put down my foot and say we have to shoot the 18th, unless somebody has a really, really good reason not to (I'm fingers-crossed here that Jon's potential big gig doesn't get in our way).

My life is boring, I do nothing and see no one, and yet I can always find something to report in livejournal.

I've gotta get out more. Have a life. Do things. Shit.

I'm serious.

every room is empty, foto, work, lost, iphoned, amy o'brien, battlestar galactica, filmnerd, inane, iphone, fantome du livre

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