Today I had a tooth pulled out of my jaw. The very back tooth on the left-bottom, no longer a part of me. Which means a mouthful of the grossest bloody gauze and a diet of pain pills, soup and ice cream again. Fuck, man.
So far I'm waiting for the bleeding to stop so I can eat anything.
To appease and distract from this, I treated myself to buying
the brand new second Futurama movie. True to form, its bizarre and complex and as good as an okay episode but not as good as a great one... but it's got some interesting stuff going on. I can't say more because I'm not really up for sitting here or for thinking big thoughts.
Also, I'm still skeptical but holy fucking wow:
ETA: Oh no, the Tron 2 bootlegged trailer from ComicCon's been pulled. Hope you got to see it while it was there. I'm skeptical in the extreme, but the trailer looks fucking great, and has Jeff Bridges!
I may have crafted a post about cool things, but don't get the wrong idea: I'm miserable. Again.
My damn mouth.