
Jul 21, 2008 21:33

For some reason, maybe it's that this tiny laptop has squeezed my internet through too small a window or something, but for some reason I keep thinking of posting and not doing it. It's so much work. I feel like I'm thinking through wet cement. Andy attributed this to my (confessed) sudden need to be working on a script with the kind of focus I had for Ellipsis, but I have no such script ready for such focus -- what he called "Writer's Rush." Jon said, "You just passed a script stone and you're bound to feel a little off." Whatever you call it, I can't get motivated but I feel the need to be working. Or: writing. (Because I could be editing, and even though the daunting task of emptying the studio -- which I'm actively and stupidly avoiding -- stands between me and doing so, the real reason I'm not is I don't feel like editing; I feel like writing.) I can't even motivate myself to write a blog entry.

Things have happened, mundane things but things no more mundane than a million other things I've posted about.

Like, I had a dream last night where I was caught kissing a girl by another girl, and a jealousy/love-triangle thing was happening, where I had to choose between an old friend from high school and a current friend, both of whom I've had kind of crushes on but neither of whom I've ever kissed.

Or like, I saw The Dark Knight again and I stand by all my previous criticisms, but I loved it even more on second watching despite those criticisms.

Or like, I worked a day at Laika and had my next two shifts deleted due to a project cancellation (but had a karmic balance in getting to schedule two new days for a different part of the same commercial project in early August).

Or like, I got worries, man. Maybe just normal typical Travis worries, but isn't that all I freakin' write about anyway?

But lately: the internet's been hard to bother keeping up with. Scrabble feels like a burden. I let my friends page go days between readings (formerly unheard of). I don't even bother with the sometimes-check-in sites like Goodreads, Myspace, or the Oregon Media Network. I haven't written several overdue emails (Ellen/NWFC, Ingrid/RACC, to name two).

I typed all that. I was going to try to, you know, wrap it up or something. But even that... is... you know. Wet cement.

dream, wet cement, christopher nolan, ellipsis, laika, inane, internet

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