while you were out

Jul 06, 2008 19:40

Living in Portland again, but don't have internet until the 11th. I was productively unpacking and organizing every day until one morning I got this email on my phone:from Mike Mohan
to Travis Ezell
date Wed, Jul 2, 2008 at 4:15 PM
subject 2009 Sundance Screenwriters Lab
mailed-by sundance.org

Dear Travis:

Congratulations! Your submission, ELLIPSIS, has been chosen by our selection committee for the next round of the review process. Please send your completed script to the Sundance Institute office (see address below my name) so that it is received in our offices by Monday, July 21, 2008. Also, please include your application number 930-109 and name on the cover page of your screenplay.

We will make final decisions for the 2009 January Screenwriters Lab by mid-December. You will be notified by December 15th via e-mail.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me via email.

Thanks again for your application; we look forward to reading the entire screenplay.


Mike Mohan
Senior Coordinator, Feature Film Program
Sundance Institute
8530 Wilshire Blvd.
3rd Floor
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
And HOLY CRAP so now I've spent every waking hour that wasn't eating trying to write. "Trying to write" means sorting, writing, rewriting, reading (lots of Bendis comics, some Hammett, some Coen scripts), and watching films (Coens, noir, Mamet, Sin City and part of Jaws actually) to keep my mind sharp, to rethink ideas, to rework or figure out the puzzles I'm presenting myself. I'm only about 60 or 70 pages in and the clock is freaking ticking. I have a long way to go.

To be clear about things: the above email goes on to say that about 1750 applicants applied with outlines and the first five pages, and of those, "about 10 percent" were asked (as I was above) to submit the complete feature. So I figure about 175 of us are now going to compete for the 12 spots open at the Sundance Institute's screenwriter's workshop. I haven't crossed the finish line yet, by a long shot, but it's still kind of a huge deal. If only I had a completed script. Nothing like a deadline! Tick, tock, tick, tock.

In other news: I'm back in King City for the night because tomorrow I get my tongue cut. Oral surgery! See, for years I've had a little lesiony growth on the bottom of my tongue and sometimes it's little and sometimes it swells and it's gross but benign and tomorrow it's gone. I'm a touch nervous about that, sedation and surgery being two of my least favorite things, but I'm also a bit excited to not have this thing anymore, The Thing I Never Talk About. If anybody's been around me when I'm talking fast and excited, and just for a second they thought I had a lisp, it was my tongue catching because of The Thing.

But right now, the Ellipsis script hangs over my head like one of them Damoclean things. Or a time bomb fuse. A Damoclean time bomb. That's what I'm talking about.


wow, brian michael bendis, mixaphorically speaking, steven spielberg, ellipsis, coen brothers, internet, david mamet, surgery, 1844, sundance institute, tongue, robert rodriguez, dashiell hammett

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