love and pictures

May 26, 2008 17:19

Asked of a random cross-section of my friends:Q. What's the best romance film you can think of? The best "love story" film?

Sarah: Eternal Sunshine or Survive Style 5+.
Liz: Roman Holiday, no doubt about it.
Briana: The four-hour Pride & Prejudice, Casablanca, Harold and Maude, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. I'm forgetting something.
Melissa: Il Mare.
Kelly: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Say Anything.
Brie: Harold and Maude.
Angie: Princess Bride comes to mind. Or Edward Scissorhands.
Chris: Romancing the Stone, The Graduate? I think Vanilla Sky and Chungking Express are at the top of my list.
Andy: Harold & Maude?
Dutch: I can't think of a better one than Juno.
I also had one anonymous (by request) response for You've Got Mail, which was the only surprise on the list so far. No, that's not true: I hadn't thought of Survive Style 5+ as a romance, so that also surprised me. It's been on my list for a while; I'll have to watch it now.

I'm curious not only about finding a couple good romance films I haven't seen before, but also what really "works" romantically for people. I enjoy a good love story film (two 80s additions I'd like to make to the list: L.A. Story and Joe Versus the Volcano) but I've never before thought about writing one. My stories tend to be about falling apart more than putting together. The ends of love, not the beginnings. No doubt that's because I know more about the ends of love. The "beginnings" in my life have been largely surprises to everyone involved, especially me--gradual things that sneak up out of my periphery and consequently I sometimes don't recognize until, hey presto, they're right in front of me and threatening to depart. (I've never claimed to be anything but an inept idiot about love, at least my own.)

Just curious, for anyone who reads this: any additions to this list? I'd love some more replies.

(P.S. I didn't only ask girls, though I probably asked more girls than guys. It's just that, apparently, girls are faster at responding to text messages or gmail chat questions. Maybe the question seemed less interesting to the men. Oh, see what I just did? Gender stereotyping! How ya like me now?

ETA: Hey look, Chris, Dutch and Andy answered. Now I have a couple of dudes' responses in there.)

gen sekiguchi, rob reiner, john patrick shanley, tim burton, steve martin, jane austen, william wyler, hal ashby, mick jackson, cameron crowe, love, michel gondry, kurt vonnegut, michael curtiz, blockquote, filmnerd

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