dreams always lack act three

Feb 24, 2008 13:09

Here's all I remember.

I was working on, or visiting, some space station. It had a lot of rotating parts which sometimes scraped against each other. They weren't supposed to do that, but people assured me no real harm was being done, it was just noisy and rumbly. The captain of the space station was at least seven feet tall. I commented about this to his mother, who used it as an opportunity to hit on me. She also gave me a tour of the space station's mall area and told me all the best places to buy sweets. I tried to write down all her suggestions on a napkin so I could come back through and buy some things.

Then I was walking the corridors with the captain again, and suddenly I went deaf. I looked at him, startled, smacked my head a few times, and sound came back. It was like I was a cheap piece of equipment. He was talking, I don't know what about, and then it happened again. All sound went away. I tried to convey to him I was deaf (and, apparently, mute) with hand gestures. Eventually he got the clue, and shortly after sound came back intermittently. He leaned in and said to me, very conspiratorial, "You get that around here. I'm past that, to where I hear the little squirms and twitters of the enemy." Then I could hear that, too. It was faint, cricketlike. "Sounds like a forest, or a jungle, at night," I suggested. His eyes went wide with excitement--he wasn't the only one--and he clapped me on the back. "Yes!" he whispered. "Now come with me."

And I woke up, never getting to know what the captain had planned to do about whatever was going on around me.

In other words, I kind of just had a Star Trek dream.


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