history lessons

Jan 10, 2008 05:22

I'm addicted to myself. I got a program (I've been meaning to a for a while, ever since the Russians bought up Livejournal) and I downloaded every single entry I've ever put in here. So they're backed up through tonight, at least. I'm disappointed it doesn't also store/save the comments and threads, but alas.

Anyway, I meant to go home around 2:00 but I've been sitting here for the last three-plus hours reading my old entries. I got caught up reading more or less from the beginning, which really picked up momentum in the latter half of 2005. It was a huge year for me. The year of the two films I would say set the tone for all that's followed, Amnesia Hotel and Love is Suicide (and let's not forget earlier this same year [before I was "blogging" any of it] I started the whole game with Joyriders. Not to mention Days Like This, Devil Doing Needlepoint, Avalanche, Treasure Map, and Obvious Puns Aside.)

It was also a big year for me and the ladies. It was early this year I broke up with Olivia for the second time. It was also the year of dating Kelly intensely but briefly (I think the whole thing was over with in just about five weeks). The year of gradually easing into a thing with Angie (I'm surprised by how little I posted about the start of things, but also surprised by what feelings are stirred up from reading the posts that are there...)

That year I also got the studio. It was the first year I really felt like a filmmaker. And the year I got my weight down to 192 and was cooking and eating better. (Embarrassing fact: as of Christmas Eve, I weigh 224. I've got a long way to go.)

I miss my studio apartment. I miss the simplicity of things that, at the time, felt far from simple. I miss a lot of things. Some good (and bad) times in that year.

Some pointless flashbacks:
  • This is one of my favorite dreams of all time (and it's short!).
  • Also, I found a post about what my life would be like in the future, in 2008. At the time I called myself unimaginative. What I didn't realize then was that I was eerily accurate. LOOK AT THAT PICTURE, it's very much like where I am sitting this very second.
  • Hey look, I dreamt the future! Weezer video game?
I got as far as Short Film and heartbreak into 2006 before finally saying, "What the fuck, Travis? It's 5:30 in the goddamn morning."

Good night.

nostalgia, fuck, link, love is suicide, rant, ego, self, catharsis, filmnerd, amnesia hotel, short film

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