getting snarky with the survey

Mar 01, 2007 01:01

What good does this do anybody?

1. Where is your cell phone? On top of my pile of semi-obscure Asian Cinema DVDs behind me.
2. Your spouse? In the future, I guess. Waiting?
3. Your hair? On top of my head.
4. Your Mother? In bed asleep, I think, perhaps dreaming of her upcoming flight to India. Or, now that I think about it, maybe she's in midair.
5. Your Father? Beside my mother, no doubt.
6. Your favorite thing? I'm not telling you where my favorite thing is. Besides, you probably already know.
7. Your dream last night? I don't know where it went to.
8. Your favorite drink? My iced tea is sitting beside the monitor.
9. Your dream car? My dream car is in Alaska.
10. The room you're in? All around me.
12. Your fears? I don't understand the question "Where are your fears?", but it frightens me.
13. What do you want to be in 10 years? A filmmaker.
14. Who did you hang out with last night? Colin, Jon, Russ.
15. Muffins? No, I did not hang out with Muffins. I don't know a Muffins. I wish I did.
17. One of your wish list items? What does it mean to hang out with one of your wish list items? Like, a girl you want to bang? You've got the right table, buddy, but the wrong guy.
18. Where you grew up? That's horrible grammar. McMinnville.
19. The last thing you did? That's also horrible grammar. Was this survey babelfished from Korean or something? The last thing I did was drive Jon home and discuss how we want to depict two naked people on screen.
20. What are you wearing? A lot, actually. Two socks, jeans, belt, Beastie Boys t-shirt, and a hoodie.
21. Your TV? No, I am not wearing my TV.
22. Your pet? I'm not wearing my pet, either. More like, my pet is wearing me.
23. Your computer? That would hurt my back.
24. Your life? Am I wearing my life? This is a very philosophical survey, isn't it?
25. Your mood? I'd say I'm wearing my mood, in a sense. I'd even say I maybe wear my mood on my sleeve, if you follow me.
26. Missing? I assume this means "This question is missing."
27. What are you thinking about right now? I wish I could write another script tonight.
28. Your car? No. I wasn't thinking about my car at all.
29. Your work? Yeah, writing and filmmaking is my work. So you could say that.
30. Your summers? Wrong again.
31. Your relationship status? Furthest from my mind of all these things. Except maybe the car.
32. Your favorite color? You're a bad guesser. Why would I be thinking about that?
33. When is the last time you laughed? Dinner, making inappropriate jokes with the gang.
34. Last time you cried? Jeez, I dunno. Fight with Olivia a while back?
35. School? No, I've never cried at school.

meme snagged from sirive.


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