Before I get to what this post is about, I want to say that I suffer from severe depression that I know is from a chemical imbalance. While off meds, about once every two to three weeks, I'll have an episode where I won't function for hours to days. I'll curl up wherever I am and that's the end of it until I feel like moving again. Fortunately, I can usually feel it coming on and drive myself home first. While on medication, I still have such episodes, but they're spread out to several months apart. During times when I feel that I don't want the side effects of whatever medication I'm on, I accept the consequences of my decision, like problems getting to work on time and showing up every day and getting in trouble for that. I don't blame the security cameras in the lobby for portraying me as coming in late. I don't try to get people to excuse my behavior on account of a my psychiatrist-diagnosed-problem. I deal with the consequences of my decision and get on with my life.
Slightly more to the point:
When a schitzoprenic that hasn't been taking his medication walks into a crowded room with an automatic weapon and starts blasting, we still lock his ass up. We don't say "Oh, he's just ill," and go about our business.
Now the the point:
Watch these two clips.
As you can see, the girl has some issues, whether they are from her biploar or not or even if she has the condition is not what I'm taking issue with. My problem is that in the second video the girl's mom attributes the girl's outburst to her bipolar disorder. She also states that the girl was diagnosed years ago and has not been taking her medication.
We're suddenly supposed to excuse her idiocy because she's ill? No! We don't let people spray shopping malls with AK-47's and my boss doesn't excuse me showing up for work late. Those are the two extreme ends of the spectrum, that aren't accepted. Her verbal attack on that poor old lady shouldn't be swept under the rug either. She chose to not take her medication, she probably scarred that poor woman, now she's in jail. Sounds pretty straight forward to me.
It's unfortunate for the girl that she's now the laughing stock of youtube, but she is under no circumstance the victim in this situation. Her entire ordeal can be traced back to her concious decision to not take her meds.