In those calm moments before the storm.

Apr 20, 2004 12:07

Last night I went over to my brother's to watch Kill Bill Vol. 1, midway through the night I was re-introduced to something I have not really been exposed to in quite some time; he talks in his sleep. During the course of the night the speech was unintelligible mangled engrish which involved a few sentences that could be deciphered as: We've got to get out of the building, because of the company... I don't know - I don't know [turns into speaking in tongues] They're buying it...

It could be inferred that he was having some type of dream which involved wearing a power tie, working in some sort of hi-rise building in New York. Of course, taking full advantage of this awkward situation I decided to use the power of suggestion by saying random phrases in a soothing voice while he slept. I hope to have altered the course of his REM sleep to produce dreams of Angela Landsbury (of Murder She Wrote) involved in some lurid and sexually compromising situations with Jaleel White and Kirby Puckett. I can only hope that he awoke in the morning in a general state of disarray questioning why he was dreaming of celebrities who are no longer in their prime having a threesome.

The remainder of the evening consisted of watching episodes of Dawson's Creek. I had never watched this show when it was aired on the WB, as I was generally preoccupied with other more "adult" situations at the time, but I remembered it being all the rage with my brothers age demographic. Then the synapses fired in my brain sparking a memory long buried inside which transported me back five or so years. I remembered watching an episode of the show to see what all the fuss was about and left thinking that if one were to make a compelling teen drama perhaps they should make the teens speak a bit more like teens. We've got "fifteen year olds" engaged in conversations using words that people in their mid to late twenties and early thirties throw around at business luncheons or term papers when they are attempting to allude to an air of intellectualism. How many fifteen year olds have you encountered that happen to throw around the phrases such as; "Your sincerity is so appealingly sexy". I think that it was just a bit much to swallow for me. Then again, perhaps my syntax at age fifteen was not as refined as it is now? I think my speech was more basic because I wasn't trying to impress someone with my vocabulary.

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