Aug 11, 2006 11:25
Well it is almost lunch time and I don't feel like doing work for the next 15 minutes so I figured I'd make an overdue update. You know I hate sitting by the door at work. People come in and out all the time and 99% of the time when they walk by my cube I see them looking in. There's nothing going on in here people quit looking at me all the time. Although I hated working at Aperture I did like the fact I had an office. I could just shut the door and work in peace. At UPS they just stick us all in cubes. There are no offices over here so even the higher up managers sit in cubes.
I've found out recently you have to be careful when you are a smart ass all the time. Sometimes people take you seriously when you are joking and other times people don't take you seriously when you are being serious. I'll have to be more careful I guess. I tend to have a more direct, serious tone when I'm being serious about something but I guess it's still hard for some people to tell. Oh well.
Well someone stopped by and interrupted my post by telling me some lame ass joke. So now it is lunch time and I'm outta here. I'll update again soon with the juicy stuff I was going to write about.