Dec 24, 2012 23:57

What I wanted to say is Merry Christmas! to those who celebrates it today/tomorrow!

And maybe A Happy New Year! too^^

But then I stumbled upon some pictures in one of the folders when searching for my studying stuff...

I almost don't feel sorry for what I've made... I dunno I just saw the original pic and it was immediately like 'I see them oO' XD
Well, maybe the concert DVD covers helped a bit here too (but seriously, what's wrong with J&A graphic designers? ><)

This pic I saw when travelling by subway. It was an advertisement of country houses or something. 'Waaaah~', thought I and rushed to take out my camera XD
Actually, I edited it. Well, that's obvious XD I mean I added something because that pic lacked of it. It's not hard to figure out what exactly though because I completely forgot about shadows xD
The original balet picture - zajcev_ushastyj@lj
The original snowmen picture - mine

¿eito?, f: chankapana chankapana :3, * my amazing creations xь, ¿njusuu?, # moi

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