(no subject)

May 17, 2011 05:51

A thought about last Saturday's Doctor Who, 6.4:

The scene when the Doctor looks at the junkyard of broken and discarded TARDISes and sees parts, while the TARDIS sees "people"--her sisters--really draws a parallel between the Doctor and House. (And BTW, that name? MASSIVE FANDOM CONFUSION. Thanks, Gneil.) He wants to build a patchwork TARDIS out of various pieces of broken ones, like House builds patchwork people.

I wonder if the TARDIS minds that the Doctor is basically pulling a Frankenstein on her sisters? She doesn't seem to. And I wonder if this is supposed to have some deeper meaning? It doesn't really seem to either. Just a signature creepy-Gaiman touch. But it does seem to fit in with the parallels/alternate timelines/mirror imagery that the last couple of seasons have been exploring.

This entry originally posted to http://travels-in-time.dreamwidth.org/260008.html, where there are

over-thinky, doctor who

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