Sherlock fic: "Remembrances of Things Past"

Apr 04, 2011 19:13

Title: Remembrances of Things Past
Pairing: Gen
Rating/Warnings: G; see summary for details
Word Count: 6000
Summary: Written for a prompt at the kinkmeme: "John's the one missing for three years to take down Moriarty...everyone still thinks he's dead. The 5 times someone thought they saw JW in 221B after his death, and the one time he was actually back." This drifts slightly from the prompt, but that's the basic story.
Notes: Many thanks to thirdbird for beta-reading and, as always, providing lots of encouragement. Any remaining mistakes or problems are strictly my own fault. Feedback always welcomed!

Link to story on Dreamwidth:

Remembrances of Things Past

sherlock (bbc), fic: sherlock (bbc), allfic

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