Running off to brave the hordes for Christmas shopping! Well, actually I am hoping that the hordes are all working today and it'll be a little calmer.
Before I go, though, have a little cheer for your Friday morning. (Or afternoon. *waves at UK friends*)
Multi-fandom HamsterDance! Link courtesy of
I need to get my act together re: prezzies, pronto. Luckily I'm not mailing any parcels, at least not providing I can find the link to the place where I had gooey butter cakes sent to my New Orleans relatives. (They always send us a big box of various candies from this most excellent place in the French Quarter. Dark chocolate Tortues -- yum.)
But yeah, I've not bought ought for anybody local save a cheap baseball cap for my stepfather (obviously not enough) and some clothes for Younger-Son and Daughter. I also need to get on the internets and get my husband some new work trousers, or they won't get here in time b/c they are hemmed-to-order. I did get Younger's prezzies for his brother and sister last night when it was just the two of us at Target.
P.S. WTF w/ Target not having knit scarves / stocking caps for guys?
P.P.S. Hey, do I have your snailmail for a Xmas card? Reciprocity not expected.
P.P.P.S. I'll be out your way early next Weds. morning on my way to fetch Elder-Son home from Champaign. Can you or Timelet use an ugly but warm waist-length jacket and matching puffy vest, ladies' size small? Jacket is reversible, tan/taupe (wev) twill and gray knit, vest is tan twill w/ gray knit lining on the shall collar, not reversible. The vest has to be dry-cleaned b/c of the stuffing, but the jacket can be machine washed and dried if I remember correctly (I can't find a tag on it.)
Re P.S. #1--I dunno, maybe scarves are too feminine? Frostbite is manly, don'tchaknow?
Re P.P.S. #2--I'll PM or e-mail you if you like, but don't feel obligated. We're not doing them this year.
Re P.P.P.S #3--I really appreciate the offer, but neither of us will fit into a small. :(
P.P.S.#2 It's no problem, I'd appreciate it.
P.P.P.S#3 Neither will anyone here. *grins* It's from when I was a young DINK instead of an old SITCOM.
Single Income, Two (or in my case, Three) Children, Oppressive Mortgage
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