So, I'm trying to think of creative ways to break out of the not-writing groove, and looking at Yuletide because people talk about it every year but I've never participated or even really thought about it. There are many good reasons for that.
They've disallowed LoM this year, and Due South and Doctor Who (and all related fandoms, which means no Torchwood or SJA either) aren't small enough fandoms to qualify. That's pretty much what I feel qualified to write, right there, for a given level of qualified. I don't know if I could come up with three or four other small fandoms that I could write in.
Not to mention that I really suck at deadlines. And I don't write porn. Those two things are the reason I don't sign up for fic-fests and exchanges--I don't want to disappoint someone who's really looking forward to a story. And then I feel all left out of everything and not really involved with fandom. *whine whine PMS PMS*
But! While researching Yuletide, I did find
the story of the Yule Goat, which cheered me up somewhat.
I saw "24 Hour Party People" listed as a fandom for last year. It kind of makes me want to get the movie (it is a movie, right?) and watch it, and read the stories. But then I would know who John Simm is, and who Photographer Boy is, and it would take all the mystery away from That Video!
"Stomp" is on my Netflix Watch Instantly, and I've been watching it intermittently. That should totally be a fandom. You're telling me there's not fic about Guy Who Reminds Me of Callum Keith Rennie and Dumb Bald Guy? I don't believe you.