Title: Not Evil As Such
Rating: G
Characters: The Doctor, Human!Harry Saxon
Warnings/Spoilers: None. See note.
Wordcount: 814
Summary: The internet is down! It must be aliens!
Notes: Human!Harry is stolen from Aria's
Doctor Who Season Four series; however, just as that series is AU from canon, this is AU from Aria's 'verse. All you really need to
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Being able to whine on the internet is a fundamental right!
I sort of have a major crush on Harry. There's a whole plot behind this that I stole from Aria, in a "Turn Left" kind of way. I may or may not have 2500 words on it already. You know, in and among the several other things I can't manage to finish. *eyeroll*
Hi, I'm the *other* Yana fan. Since there appears to be like, maybe four of us, including Mel and I. Of course I loved Aria's Harry. May I friend you?
I liked Yana well enough, but I thought John Simm was just crazycakes. And then I saw LoM (and State of Play. And etc.). And then I read Aria's fic, and suddenly--like, three days ago--I have a massive Harry crush!
I think _medley_ is also a Yana fan, so there are a few more out there!
Ooooh, I love it when you're not writing things. By all means, DO NOT FINISH THAT. *waits*
No, really, I have this epic of a Life on Mars fic that I'm co-writing, and then there's the Sam!Master fic that I wanted to finish, and NOW THIS. Who needs it? (Hmm, I wonder what the common element is, there?)
3272 words now. *facepalm*
*cracks up about the common element* *pets you*
You know, I think I started aria's fic back when it was a WIP and lost track of it. WOOT. Possibly new-to-me S4 fix-it fic. (I loved her S3 fix-it.) *runs to see*
Aria did her own Season 4 and Season 5. I read S4, but I'm saving S5 as a reward for when I've actually written something.
*cracks up about the common element* *pets you*
I'm sure I have no idea what you're talking about. *whistles*
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