Jillie I had a brainstorm

Jun 09, 2004 00:46

Among many others, Jasmine created a set of three creatures who were weapons. Like almost all her war-creations, these three females were sterile. They were melee weapons, and used in pitched battles to control vast numbers of men. They were also thought of as a set, though they were seldom used as one.

Orchid, succubus and siren, beautiful, vain, petty, and cruel, with long red hair that shades to sea green when she moves, and lovely violet eyes. Orchid is a walking wet dream, and she knows it. Orchid had lackeys, namely Violet, Hyacinth, and the very small dragon Calla, the last of which being the only one she was fond of. She isn't what I thought of.

Lotus, sand dragon and siren. The sand dragons are no more true dragons than komodo dragons are. They're reptiles, impervious to heat and abrasion, but able to survive being frozen solid; they just don't move until they once again enter adequate temperatures (which start around 50F). Lotus is extremely patient, and is much like Serge in that she apparently lacks a personality and nobody has ever been able to prove otherwise. She also lacks an opinion on just about everything, creativity, ambition, and motivation. She can break a truck in half bare-handed, though, which is why she's useful. She isn't what I thought of.

Mezereon, snow demon and siren. She is who I thought of. Snow demons in Jasmineworld (Shonseaworld a few centuries earlier) are part of the demon class called "elementals," the others being High (succubi and incubi are among the lower classes of High demons), Color, and imps. Youkai would be considered elementals. True snow demons live in the coldest and most remote reaches, dancing in blizzards and the like, having power to call forth the snow and cold, and generally being extremely frosty dryads... except they lure to sleep and then EAT just about everything they come across.
Mezereon herself... well, she doesn't lure everything she comes across to sleep prior to eating it, though she's certainly CAPABLE of doing it, a reason why she was a weapon. And because she is of siren stock as well, she sings more beautifully than any other, except perhaps Orchid, Lotus, and her true siren ancestors. She's able to lure just about anything just about anywhere with her voice, another reason why she was a weapon. Unlike her siren parent-stock, Mezereon is able to sing without the whole mindless-luring on the part of the listener, just as I am sure you are able to, say... constantly hold down the shift key while you type. For Mezereon, the true siren-song is that shift key.
Unlike Orchid, Mezereon is not cruel, and unlike Lotus, she's got a personality. Unlike both her sisters, she's creative, and pursues music as something other than a tool. Her favorite pastimes are the great-harp, the lap-harp, dulcimer, flute, piano, and playing in the snow. She composes, but it rarely suits her to write lyrics. She also enjoys playing with water; she cannot summon snow and cold like the full snow demons can. She can, however, freeze water with her touch and the conscious intent to do so. With a quiet afternoon, time, peace, concentration, and a little healthy effort, Mezereon plays with water to make ice sculptures of a fanciful and somehow musical-looking bent.
She is quiet, but not silent. She is graceful of stature, posture, and movement, quiet of movement, and quiet of personality. Her presence does not fill a room, the way Orchid's does. It does not go unnoticed, but it passes without comment. Mezereon makes minimal ripples wherever she goes.... until she means otherwise.
Sin-of-Anger: Mezereon's temper is as bitter and biting as the depth of winter, it is furious, brittle, and cold. Her fury is spiteful, but it is not thorough. Her ire bites, frozen metal on warm flesh, and is easily aroused, but it is fleeting. Shattering her concentration, spoiling her fun for no good reason (and since all her ideas of fun are peaceful and placid, there's no call for this), being spiteful at her first, being snarky and/or demanding at her... these are all guaranteed to make her bristle. Getting her breakfast wrong, bringing her tea late... any number of things irritate her, but the first list is the list of those things where she won't bite back her temper and settle for a sound glare. Breaking her ice sculptures won't torque her off as long as she'd finished them and had a good ten minutes to look at them first.

Sin-of-Envy: Not at all, in any way. She was created to serve, as she sees it, and doesn't mind that at all. She has never been given a reason to be jealous, tends not to be jealous of, for, or about people for any reason... so no, not at all.

Sin-of-Pride: Sorta kinda not really. Mezereon does what she likes, when she likes... and what she likes to do 90% of the time concerns and affects no one but herself. Give her a purpose, say, "you serve him," or "she is above you," and she'll set to it. She has no pride, per se. She has dignity, she likes respect and a healthy amount of deference. She'd gotten used to being "Lady Mezereon" to the common mercenaries and peasants, mostly because they knew she'd break them and at that time it was smart to be respectful and deferential to anyone who could kill you and not notice. Her lady Jasmine was her better, and among the dragons, high demons, Sorcerers, and the like, she was Mezereon, but also was accorded respect, much as a very, very sharp knife is treated with respect. (Jasmine, of course, thought of Mezereon as her child.) She bows to only one person at a time and one only.

Sin-of-Gluttony: Kinda sorta yes. It is in her nature to enjoy consuming warmth, particularly the warmth of LIFE (she can't help it; she gets it from both sides). No, she's not going to be tempted to eat the guests. Offer her hot, fresh blood, though, (or something destined to die, like an animal irreparably damaged) and she'll drink and drink and drink until it is gone, lick her fingers clean, and be extremely annoyed with you if you try to share. More mundanely, she is fond of tea, and takes it every morning with breakfast, every evening after dinner, and every afternoon with biscuits or little sandwiches or sometimes all by itself, with or without company, but usually without. She always prefers hot food to warm and warm to cold, and actually dislikes cold food, because she instinctively desires to consume warmth.

Sin-of-Lust: I haven't the foggiest idea. Orchid's a sexpot nympho, Lotus is null... I'm guessing Mezereon falls in between the two of them. To the best of my knowledge she has had no lovers, but I could be completely wrong. If she had, it would be in her nature to be discrete.

Sin-of-Avarice: Absolutely null. Mezereon enjoys beauty very much, but she cares not at all for acquiring or retaining things.

Sin-of-Sloth: She doesn't go out of her way to avoid work or tasks that are distasteful to her, and she does not procrastinate. Give her an order or make a request and she will carry it out fully, though not always "to the letter." Mindless she is not, and unless specified, will use her own interpretation if it suits her better.

Virtues: Mezereon is coolly polite, if you'll forgive that horible adjective when used in this sense. She gives respect to all she meets automatically, but it's a distant sort. She listens to everyone, though she doesn't appear to. When I said above that she wasn't silent? She isn't. She has opinions. Unlike Orchid, she doesn't force her surroundings to comply to them, and she revises them as any normal, well-balanced person would. She offers advice when it is asked, and it is almost always sound advice. She is perceptive, and occasionally gives advice when it is not solicited, but could achieve the greatest effect. She is fully aware of the needs and desires of others, but the only ones that she concerns herself with are her own and that of her Lord or Lady, and those she cares for as if they were her own, with as little thought as if they were her own. In that regard, she is thoughtful and considerate; if it suits her, she has the ability to be thoughtful and considerate of everyone. Half the time, it does suit her, but she never goes far out of her way. She's also very discrete, and tends to follow the societal conventions of wherever she happens to be at the time, provided they don't personally affront her sensibilities, in which case she'll ignore them completely and go somewhere else as soon as feasible.
She is patient, she is extremely loyal, she is basically good-natured, she is calm and tends to create islands of calm around her, she is literate, well-educated (self-educated) and well-read, and she is very, very intelligent.
Her sense of humor is light and her laugh is likewise light and is very pretty. She finds amusement in foolishness, her own or others'. This being the case she never, ever lacks for amusement. ^^;;;
Her smile is beautiful.

Which brings me to looks. She is beautiful, but that's an "of course." All Jasmine's creations are beautiful. Tall (perhaps six feet), graceful, with gentle, definite curves to her everywhere. She's got hips, she's got a bust (C-cup, methinks). Likewise she has a waist and the approprate curves to her legs and arms and neck. Notably long-legged and with long, tapered fingers and polished nails on very strong hands. She has slender, small feet with high arches.
Mezereon's neck is long, but not long enough to qualify for "swanlike" by any stretch. It's there, it holds her head up. Her face is diamond-shaped, with little sharp definition to anything, and her features are deliacate. She's got a small mouth, colored very pale pink. Her eyes are larger than the human average juuuust a bit (snow demons have BIG GLOWY EYES); they're slanted and colored a luminous icy green-tinged blue, but do not glow even a little.
Her skin is stark, startling white, all over, everywhere; veins can't be seen through it. She also has no navel, no hair below the eyes, and no nipples (which comes from the snow demon side). It's like she was made of -surprise!- snow. Her eyebrows, eyelashes, and hair are all silver-white that shades blue-gray in shadows and movement, and her hair falls to mid-back in loose curls. She has no bangs.
And because she was designed as a weapon, and Jasmine was thorough and smart, Mezereon is wholly, utterly, completely sterile. (Just like Orchid, Lotus, Rose and her eleven siblings, and a couple others).

She can tolerate heat and do it with dignity; this is probably because the air immediately around her is always just a little cooler... well, within reason. I highly doubt she'll be dropping any temperatures in Doriand. Her breath is cool, her blood runs cold, but as said earlier; she likes consuming warmth, and prefers her food and drink warm.


If Mezereon came to the Iron Court... well, not much would happen unless she was specifically Yama's, in which case she'd literally follow him everywhere if he asked her to do so. She'd come to court with him if she had nothing better to do (three out of five chance), and sing quietly the entire time if that was what he wished. She does hair care, she does manicures, she even does scalp- and hand-rubs, other places if requested. She anticipates simple needs and sees to them without being asked. Example: if the glass is nearly empty, she refills it swiftly and quietly, without being asked and without expecting thanks. Mezereon is actually well-suited to being kept, as the only thing she wants in return for her services is her keep: food, comfort, and the time to pursue those simple things that make her happy. She enjoys beauty, and would be perfectly content to have "decorative" added onto her list of primary functions.

She has no known lifespan; she could live a hundred years or a thousand, no one was sure, as snow demons never appear to age and nobody was even sure sirens were real until Jasmine came back with a piece of one to make her creatures with... and if Jasmine had a guess, she never told anybody. Mezereon is currently fifteen years old, but like all the first-generation chimerae, she entered life physically complete and mentally mature; the only thing left to acquire was experiences and to identify one's own preferences, since personality finished developing in the month after first conscious breath. She looks to be early twentysomething.

Currently Mezereon sleeps inside a wall of ice, dormant, where she has slept since Jasmine put her there. She was put there because Jasmine knew her creation (she knew all her creations, and when you've got that many of them this is a definite skill), and also could see the end of Mezereon's designed use in the immediate future. She knew that Mezereon could not be happy left completely to her own devices indefinitely, and she knew that Mezereon might choose a master to serve based on whoever was nearest when she made up her mind to want one, and would decide later whether or not she wanted to stay with him or her... which frankly was more than a little dangerous. Mezereon was the first of the Trio "put away," Lotus the last (Lotus left when Jasmine was sealed in crystal, and died within the decade. As in life, nobody had the faintest idea what she thought of this, or even IF she thought anything of this).
So Mezereon is in an ice-cave, encased in ice, where she has been for at least the last five or six hundred years. She rarely dreams, but when she does, they are glacially slow, gradual things... and she dreams of music.

fiction, notes

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